作者 主题: 第二批Errata速报  (阅读 19178 次)


离线 kataaaka

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« 于: 2020-11-10, 周二 22:44:34 »
注意part1里也有新内容,新内容总结可以看 https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/jrcbjs/errata_2_but_its_just_the_new_stuff_that_i_could/








法杖视为特殊魔法武器,无法附加property runes了。


离线 炼金术士卡莉

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Re: 第二批Errata速报
« 回帖 #1 于: 2020-11-13, 周五 23:05:51 »
Page 71: Alchemists should have proficiency in medium armor to make things easier for mutagenists who pursue higher Strength and lower Dexterity. Add training in medium armor to their initial proficiencies as well as to their 13th and 19th level armor expertise and mastery class features.

Page 72-79: Alchemist DC scaling is highly dependent on the feat Powerful Alchemy, so we decided to make it an automatic class feature instead to free up more feats. Add powerful alchemy to the class features at 5th level, and remove it from the list of alchemist class feats.
第72-79页:炼金术士DC的变化高度依赖强效炼金术(Powerful Alchemy)专长,因此我们决定将它改为一个自动获得的职业特性以便空出更多专长位。将强效炼金术添加至5级获得的职业特性,并把它从炼金术士专长列表中移除。

Page 73: Alchemists at low levels don't have enough reagents to make more than a very small number of items, whereas at higher levels they can make significantly more. To help make those reagents last longer at 1st through 4th levels, add a limited version of the Field Discovery class feature at 1st level. "Your research field adds a number of formulas to your formula book; these are your signature items. When using a batch of infused reagents to create your signature items using advanced alchemy, you create three items instead of two. Each time you gain a level, you can swap one of your signature items with another formula in your formula book. This new signature item must be on your research field’s list of possible signature items."
第73页:炼金术士在低等级时试剂不足,只能制造出极少量的物品,而在高等级时他们能制作的物品数量又会极具增长。为了让这些试剂在1级至4级时能够保证续航,炼金术士将在1级时获得一个弱化版的课题发现(Field Discovery)职业特性。“你研究的课题会将一定数量的公式加入你的公式簿中;这些公式视作你的标志物品。当使用高阶炼金术消耗灌注试剂来创造你的标志物品时,你能够一次创造出三件而不是两件物品。每当你获得一个等级,你都能够将其中一个标志物品更换为公式簿中的另一个公式。这件新的标志物品必须存在于你的研究课题可用标志物品列表中。”

Page 75: Alchemical Alacrity lets you make three alchemical items, but you can't hold all three, so it's unclear what happens to the third one. Add to the end "and you automatically stow one of these new items as you create them."
第75页:轻灵炼金(Alchemical Alacrity)让你能够同时制造出三件炼金物品,但你没办法把三个都拿在手里,这让人搞不清楚没拿在手上的第三件物品该如何处理。将后面这句话添加到能力末尾“而在你把这些新物品创造出来的同时,你也会自动装载(stow)其中一个。”

Page 75: In perpetual infusions, "bullheaded mutagen" should say "serene mutagen."
第75页:在无限灌注(perpetual infusions)中,“顽强突变药剂(bullheaded mutagen)”应当称为“宁静突变药剂(serene mutagen)。”

Page 89: Raging Athlete. The wording has been adjusted to prevent unintended interactions with other abilities while keeping the same benefits. Change the text to "Physical obstacles can’t hold back your fury. While you are raging, you gain a climb Speed and swim Speed equal to your land Speed and the DC of High Jumps and Long Jumps decreases by 10. Your distance for a vertical Leap increases to 5 feet vertically, and your distance for a horizontal Leap increases to 15 feet if your Speed is at least 15 feet and to 20 feet if your Speed is at least 30 feet."
第89页:狂暴健将(Raging Athlete)。它的文字描述应当被调整为在避免和能力产生意料外交互的同时保持相同的收益。将文本改为“物理障碍无法阻挡你的愤怒,狂暴时,你获得等同于你陆地速度的攀爬速度和游泳速度,跳高和跳远的DC降低10。你垂直跳跃的距离在垂直方向上增加至5尺,若你的速度至少为15尺,则水平跳跃的距离增加至15尺,若你的速度至少为30尺,则水平跳跃的距离增加至20尺。”

Page 91: Sudden Leap is missing the two-action icon from the fighter version, leaving the action cost unstated. Add in the two action icon.
第91页:迅猛跃击(Sudden Leap)相较战士版本缺少了双动作图标,导致它没有声明自己所花费的动作。为它添上双动作图标。

Pages 99-103: Various bard feats shouldn't have the "focus pool" prerequisite. If you somehow take them without a focus pool (typically via multiclassing), you gain a focus pool, as normal for taking your first feat that grants a focus spell.

Pages 102, 201, 211: In Quickened Casting, change the restriction to "If your next action is to cast a <Classname> cantrip or a spell that is at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level <Classname> spell slot you have" inserting bard, sorcerer, or wizard as appropriate. This wording change makes it clear how to handle situations where you have a cantrip or focus spell at a different spell level than your highest spell slot.
第102、201、211页:在快速施法(Quickened Casting)专长中,将限制条件改为“如果你的下一个动作是施展一个<职业名称>戏法或一个比你所拥有的最高环级<职业名称>法术位至少低2环的法术时,”并将其根据情况嵌入吟游诗人,术士或法师的专长描述之中。这次文本更改明确了当你拥有一个与你最高环法术位的环级不同的戏法或聚能法术时的处理方式。

Class Chapter (all spellcasting classes): Change the definition of cantrips to say "A cantrip is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, which equals the highest-level of <Classname> spell slot you have." filling in the appropriate class name. This removes the ambiguities around the cantrip level of a non-spellcaster vs a multiclass spellcaster.

Pages 222-231: In the multiclass spellcaster Breadth feats, change "for each spell level other than your two highest spell levels" to "for each spell level other than your two highest <Classname> spell slots." inserting the appropriate class. This makes it clear what to do if you are a spellcaster multiclassing in another spellcasting class (or potentially multiclassing in multiple spellcasting classes).

Page 634: Add the olfactory trait from the Bestiary to the Glossary and Index "An olfactory effect can affect only creatures that can smell it. This applies only to olfactory parts of the effect, as determined by the GM."
第634页:将嗅觉(olfactory)特征从怪物图鉴中添加至术语和索引(Glossary and Index)“一个嗅觉效果能够影响任何可以闻到它的生物。这仅仅适用于效果中与嗅觉有关的部分,具体由GM决定。”

Page 637: In the definition of the summoned trait, add this section to deal with summoned creatures creating more creatures without using summoning "A summoned creature can't control any spawn or other creatures generated from it, and such creatures return to their unaltered state (usually a corpse in the case of spawn) once the summoned creature is gone. If it's unclear what this state would be, the GM decides. "

粗略翻译了PART2的部分,PART1的长度吓到我叻,下次再说吧。 :em023
« 上次编辑: 2020-12-02, 周三 16:38:28 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

离线 Garrise

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Re: 第二批Errata速报
« 回帖 #2 于: 2020-12-02, 周三 02:54:54 »


炼金实验室Alchemists's Lab:你需要一个炼金实验室来在休整期内制作炼金物品。专家级炼金实验室为制作炼金物品的检定提供+1物品加值。
炼金工具Alchemist's Tools:这些便携的玻璃瓶和化学物能够用来进行一些简单的炼金工作。

Changes to Make Bulk Less Restrictive

The following changes make Bulk limits less restrictive for your character.

Page 287: Add the following entry for an alchemist’s lab:

Alchemist’s Lab: You need an alchemist’s lab to Craft alchemical items during downtime. An expanded alchemist’s lab gives a +1 item bonus to Crafting checks to create alchemical items.

Page 287: Amend the Alchemist’s Tools entry to the following:

Alchemist’s Tools: This mobile collection of vials and chemicals can be used for simple alchemical tasks.

Page 287: In the Backpack description, add this sentence: “The first 2 Bulk of items in your backpack don’t count against your Bulk limits.” Similarly "The first 1 Bulk of items in each saddlebag doesn't count against your mount's Bulk limits."

Page 288: Make the following changes on Table 6–9: Adventuring Gear.

    Change the Bulk of the adventurer’s pack from 2 to 1.
    Change the Bulk of formula book (blank) and spellbook (blank) from 1 to L
    Add “Alchemist’s Lab” (Price 5 gp, Bulk 6, Hands 2)
    Change “Expanded Alchemist’s Tools (level 3)” to “Expanded Alchemist’s Lab” as a sub-entry to the new alchemist’s lab, and change the Bulk from 1 to 6
    Change the alchemist’s tools Price from 5 gp to 3 gp, and the Bulk from 2 to 1

Page 292: The waterskin is always light Bulk, whether full or empty.
莉维娅:2D+26 回避
DiceBot : (2D6+26) → 2[1,1]+26 → 28
莉维娅:2D+26 回避
DiceBot : (2D6+26) → 2[1,1]+26 → 28

离线 炼金术士卡莉

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Re: 第二批Errata速报
« 回帖 #3 于: 2020-12-02, 周三 16:41:04 »

离线 kataaaka

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Re: 第二批Errata速报
« 回帖 #4 于: 2020-12-02, 周三 19:26:35 »

离线 炼金术士卡莉

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Re: 第二批Errata速报
« 回帖 #5 于: 2020-12-02, 周三 19:51:58 »

 :em001 说的也是,我去把5级那个能力加回来。

« 上次编辑: 2020-12-02, 周三 20:15:48 由 炼金术士卡莉 »