作者 主题: 【Bestiary 1+3】【BoD】丧尸(Zombie)  (阅读 24609 次)


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Re: 【BoD】丧尸(Zombie)
« 回帖 #10 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 08:30:48 »
丧尸蛇  Zombie Snake


丧尸蛇  Zombie Snake         生物 0

中立邪恶 中型 无心智 不死 丧尸

察觉 +2;黑暗视觉       
技能 运动 +5,隐秘 +5
力量 +3, 敏捷 +1, 体质 +2, 智力 -5, 感知 +0, 魅力 -2
缓慢 Slow 丧尸蛇永久具有缓慢(slowed) 1且无法使用反应动作(reactions)。

AC 13;强韧 +6,反射 +3,意志 +2
HP  35,负能量治疗;
免疫  死亡效果,疾病,心灵,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;
弱点  正能量 5,挥砍 5

速度  20尺,攀爬 20尺
近战 [A] 毒牙 +7,伤害 1d6+3 穿刺 加 腐热症
腐热症 Filth Fever疾病) 在腐热症被治愈前,此疾病造成的恶心(sickened)和失去意识(unconscious)状态不能结束或降低状态值;
      豁免骰  DC 14强韧;

  • 阶段1  携带病毒但无症状(1d4小时);
  • 阶段2  恶心(sickened) 1(1天);
  • 阶段3  恶心(sickened) 1和 缓慢(slowed) 1(1天);
  • 阶段4  失去意识(unconscious) (1天);
  • 阶段5  死亡。
« 上次编辑: 2022-04-23, 周六 05:57:44 由 璀璨星炬 »

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Re: 【BoD】丧尸(Zombie)
« 回帖 #11 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 08:30:58 »
枯皮丧尸  Husk Zombie

劇透 -  原文:
Rather than allow a body to rot, some necromancers attempt to dry-cure the corpse to prevent further deterioration. Combined with special reagents, this process can preserve a rudimentary form of intelligence, allowing husk zombies to act more like predators than their mindless kin. Most husk zombies have no memories of their prior lives, though some keep trinkets from that time, oblivious as to why they value such items. A rare few husk zombies retain most of their former knowledge, though they tend to have gaps in their memory.
引述: 额外学识
保存知觉  Saved Sentience
用于制作枯皮丧尸(和枯槁尸 withered 丧尸)的仪式需要额外步骤,包括在葬礼前将特殊的草药或补剂涂抹于尸体上。这个步骤能否保留生物的记忆往好说也只能算是不可预测。对于大多数死灵师来说,这种额外的准备如同浪费时间,因为他们更喜欢无心智丧尸的绝对服从。虽然大多数枯皮丧尸所求不过狩猎和杀戮,但也有少部分试图维持一种更平衡、甚至四海为家的生活方式。
劇透 -  原文:
The rituals to make husk zombies (and withered zombies) require extra steps that involve applying special herbs or tonics to the body before burial. Whether the process preserves the creature’s memories is unpredictable at best. For most necromancers, this additional preparation seems like a waste of time as they prefer the total obedience of a mindless zombie. Though most husk zombies want only to hunt and kill, a few try to maintain a more balanced, even cosmopolitan lifestyle.

枯皮丧尸  Husk Zombie         生物 2

中立邪恶 中型 不死 丧尸

察觉 +5;黑暗视觉       
语言 通用语,死灵语
技能 运动 +8,欺骗 +6,威吓 +6,隐秘 +7
力量 +4, 敏捷 +3, 体质 +3, 智力 -1, 感知 +1, 魅力 +0
物品 短剑
缓慢 Slow 枯皮丧尸永久具有缓慢(slowed) 1且无法使用反应动作(reactions)。

AC 17;强韧 +7,反射 +9,意志 +7
HP  55,负能量治疗;
免疫  死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;
弱点  正能量 5,挥砍 5

速度  25尺
近战 [A] 短剑 +11(灵巧,多用 S),伤害 1d6+4 穿刺
近战 [A] 拳头 +11(灵巧),伤害 1d8+4 钝击
偷袭  枯皮丧尸对措手不及的生物额外造成1d6精准伤害。
速度激增 Sudden Surge [F]  触发 枯皮丧尸的回合开始;效果 枯皮丧尸的速度突然猛增。它们在本轮获得迅捷(quickened)状态,额外获得的动作只能用于打击或行走。如果枯皮丧尸本回合的第一个动作是近战打击,目标对此攻击措手不及。枯皮丧尸无法再次使用此能力,除非它们花费10分钟保持站着不动。

劇透 -  原文:
Perception +5; darkvision
Language Common, Necril
Skills Athletics +8, Deception +6, Intimidation +6, Stealth +7
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +0
Items shortsword
Slow As zombie snake.
AC 17; Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +7
HP 55, negative healing (page 213); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
poison, unconscious; Weaknesses positive 5, slashing 5
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] shortsword +11 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d6+4 piercing
Melee [one-action] fist +11 (agile), Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning

Sneak Attack The husk zombie deals an additional 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Sudden Surge [free-action] Trigger The husk zombie’s turn begins; Effect The husk zombie has a sudden burst of speed. They are quickened this turn and can use the extra action only to Stride or Strike. If the husk zombie’s first action this turn is a melee Strike, the target is flat-footed against the attack. The husk zombie can’t use Sudden Surge again until after they spend at least 10 minutes standing motionless.
« 上次编辑: 2023-07-16, 周日 21:31:03 由 璀璨星炬 »

离线 璀璨星炬

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Re: 【BoD】丧尸(Zombie)
« 回帖 #12 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 08:31:19 »
丧尸枭熊  Zombie Owlbear

劇透 -  原文:
Zombie owlbears combine an owlbear’s ferocity with mindless undead hatred. Once it draws near, it often stands up, unleashing a guttural, wet roar, before charging into combat without thought of self-preservation.

丧尸枭熊  Zombie Owlbear         生物 3

中立邪恶 大型 无心智 不死 丧尸

察觉 +8;黑暗视觉
技能 特技 +5,运动 +12
力量 +4, 敏捷 +0, 体质 +3, 智力 -5, 感知 +1, 魅力 -3
缓慢 Slow 丧尸枭熊永久具有缓慢(slowed) 1且无法使用反应动作(reactions)。

AC 17;强韧 +7,反射 +9,意志 +7
HP  85,负能量治疗;
免疫  死亡效果,疾病,心灵,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;
弱点  正能量 10,挥砍 10

速度  25尺
近战 [A] 熊爪 +12,伤害 1d10+7 穿刺 加 攫抓
近战 [A] 鹰喙 +12,伤害 1d12+7 穿刺
砸地猛击 Ground Slam [AA]攻击需求 丧尸枭熊用熊爪擒抱(grabbed)或束缚(restrained)一个生物;效果 丧尸枭熊将这个生物反复砸向地面。这会造成 1d10+7 钝击伤害(DC 20基础强韧豁免)。豁免大失败时,该生物获得震慑(stunned) 1,而大成功时此生物不再被擒抱(grabbed)或束缚(restrained)。
骇人尖啸 Horrifying Screech [A]听觉,情绪,恐惧,心灵) 丧尸枭熊发出一声破音且震耳欲聋的尖啸,令听到的所有人感到不安。60尺弥漫范围内的每个生物都必须进行DC 19意志豁免。无论结果如何,受影响的生物都会暂时免疫 1 分钟。

  • 大成功 该生物不受影响;
  • 成功 该生物获得惊惧(frightened) 1;
  • 失败 该生物获得惊惧(frightened) 2;
  • 大失败 该生物逃跑(fleeing)1轮,并获得惊惧(frightened) 3。
劇透 -  原文:
Perception +8; darkvision
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +12
Str +4, Dex +0, Con +3, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –3
Slow As zombie snake.

AC 16; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6
HP 85, negative healing (page 213); Immunities death effects, disease,
mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses positive 10, slashing 10

Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] talon +12, Damage 1d10+7 piercing plus Grab (page 212)
Melee [one-action] beak +12, Damage 1d12+7 piercing

Ground Slam [two-actions] (attack) Requirements The zombie owlbear has a creature grabbed or restrained with its talons; EffectThe zombie owlbear repeatedly slams the creature into the ground. This deals 1d10+7 bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Fortitude save). On a critical failure, the creature
is stunned 1, and on a critical success the creature is no longer grabbed or restrained.

Horrifying Screech [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The zombie owlbear unleashes a broken, snarling screech that unnerves those who hear it. Each creature in a 60-foot emanation must attempt a DC 19 Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is frightened 1.
Failure The creature is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is fleeing for 1 round and frightened 3.

« 上次编辑: 2022-04-28, 周四 01:27:25 由 璀璨星炬 »

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Re: 【BoD】丧尸(Zombie)
« 回帖 #13 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 08:31:53 »
丧尸统主  Zombie Lord

劇透 -  原文:
Cunning zombie lords command their lesser kin, which they can use in unexpected ways. They have been known to direct or collaborate with husk and withered zombies, creating cells of intelligent zombies hiding within the ranks of mindless undead.

丧尸统主  Zombie Lord         生物 4

中立邪恶 中型 不死 丧尸

察觉 +13;黑暗视觉
语言 通用语,死灵语
技能 运动 +10,宗教 +13,隐秘 +10
力量 +4, 敏捷 +4, 体质 +3, 智力 +1, 感知 +5, 魅力 +2
物品 巨镰

AC 20;强韧 +11,反射 +10,意志 +13
HP  80,负能量治疗;
免疫  死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;
弱点  正能量 5,挥砍 5

速度  25尺
近战 [A] 巨镰 +12(致命 d10,摔绊),伤害 1d10+8 挥砍
近战 [A] 拳头 +12,伤害 1d8+8 钝击
神术内在法术  DC 21,攻击 +13;

  • 2环 死亡丧钟瞬间枯萎 APG
  • 1环 恐惧术伤害术(×3),衰弱射线
  • 戏法(2环) 恐吓之触晕眩术圣枪术
指挥丧尸 Command Zombie [A]专注,神术,失能,死灵系)  丧尸统主吟诵渎神的言语来控制100尺内它能目视的一只丧尸。一只无心智且不受他人控制的丧尸会自动落入统主的控制;否则,丧尸或其控制者可以进行一次DC 22意志豁免来避免被控制(使用两者中意志调整值高的那个)。如果豁免成功,目标丧尸会暂时免疫 24 小时。 如果被选中的丧尸的等级与丧尸统主的相同或比统主更高,则丧尸统主的尝试自动失败。
创造丧尸 Create Zombie专注,神术,邪恶,死灵系) 丧尸统主能通过一个1小时的仪式来创造次等丧尸。在此期间,丧尸统主在它们打算唤起的尸体上咏唱并跳起亵渎的舞蹈。在这一小时结束后,丧尸统主能创造一只等级为1或2级的丧尸,或者两只0级或更低的丧尸。它们自动受统主控制,并计入指挥丧尸能力的上限。任何由丧尸统主创造的丧尸如常计入遭遇的XP奖励(XP Budget)
缓步推进!Shamble Forth! [A]专注,神术,死灵系频率 每轮一次;效果 丧尸统主控制的所有丧尸行走(Stride)5尺(或掘进、攀爬、飞行、游泳 5尺,只要它们有对应的移动类型)。

劇透 -  原文:
Perception +13; darkvision
Language Common, Necril
Skills Athletics +10, Religion +13, Stealth +10
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +5, Cha +2
Items scythe

AC 20; Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +13
HP 80, negative healing (page 213); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
poison, unconscious; Weaknesses positive 5, slashing 5

Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] scythe +12 (deadly d10, trip), Damage 1d10+8 slashing
Melee [one-action] fist +12, Damage 1d8+8 bludgeoning

Divine Innate Spells DC 21, attack +13; 2nd death knell, sudden blight (Advanced
Player’s Guide 226); 1st fear, harm (×3), ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips (2nd)
chill touch, daze, divine lance

Command Zombie [one-action] (concentrate, divine, incapacitation, necromancy) The zombie lord intones blasphemous words to gain control over a zombie they can see within 100 feet. A zombie that is mindless and not under someone else’s control falls under their control automatically; otherwise, the zombie or its controller can attempt a DC 22 Will save to avoid it being controlled (whichever has the higher modifier). The target zombie is temporarily immune for 24 hours if successful. The attempt fails if the zombie is the same level as the zombie lord or higher.The zombie remains controlled by the zombie lord until either is destroyed. A zombie lord can control up to 8 zombies at a time. If the zombie lord would control a number of zombies over this limit, they choose which to release.

Create Zombies (concentrate, divine, evil, necromancy) A zombie lord can create lesser zombies with a 1-hour ritual. During this time, the zombie lord chants and performs an unholy dance over the corpses they intend to animate. Unlike normal rituals, this doesn’t require a skill check or Cost. At the end of this hour, the zombie lord can create one 1st- or 2nd-level zombie, or two zombies of level 0 or lower. These are automatically under the zombie lord’s control and count toward the limit of Command Zombie. Any zombies created by the zombie lord still count toward the XP budget of an encounter normally.

Shamble Forth! [one-action] (concentrate, divine, necromancy) Frequency once per round;
Effect Each zombie controlled by the zombie lord Strides 5 feet (or Burrows, Climbs, Flies, or Swims 5 feet if it has the corresponding movement type).
« 上次编辑: 2023-01-24, 周二 23:45:04 由 璀璨星炬 »

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« 回帖 #14 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 08:32:05 »
枯槁尸  Withered

劇透 -  原文:
If a husk zombie survives for several years, their body continues to dry out, their flesh hardens, and their eyes turn into pale, glowing orbs set deep into otherwise empty sockets. Known as the withered, these zombies are cunning, capable of forming complex plans and even setting traps utilizing their less-intelligent brethren to lure the unsuspecting into deadly ambushes.

枯槁尸  Withered         生物 5

中立邪恶 中型 不死 丧尸

察觉 +11;黑暗视觉       
语言 通用语,死灵语
技能 运动 +14,欺骗 +9,威吓 +9,隐秘 +13
力量 +5, 敏捷 +4, 体质 +4, 智力 +0, 感知 +2, 魅力 +0
物品 匕首(6把),皮甲,短剑
缓慢 Slow 枯槁尸永久具有缓慢(slowed) 1且无法使用反应动作(reactions)。

AC 17;强韧 +7,反射 +9,意志 +7
HP  80,负能量治疗;
免疫  死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;
弱点  正能量 5

速度  35尺
近战 [A] 短剑 +14(灵巧,多用 S),伤害 1d6+9 穿刺
近战 [A] 匕首 +14(灵巧,多用 S),伤害 1d4+9 穿刺
近战 [A] 拳头 +14,伤害 1d8+7 钝击
远程 [A] 短剑 +13(灵巧,投掷 10尺,多用 S),伤害 1d6+9 穿刺
偷袭  枯槁尸对措手不及的生物额外造成2d6精准伤害。
速度激增 Sudden Surge [F]  触发 枯槁尸的回合开始;效果 枯槁尸的速度突然猛增。它们在本轮获得迅捷(quickened)状态,额外获得的动作只能用于打击或行走。如果枯槁尸本回合的第一个动作是近战打击,目标对此攻击措手不及。枯槁尸在1d4轮内无法再次使用此能力(不像枯皮丧尸,它们无需保持站着不动)。

劇透 -  原文:
Perception +11; darkvision
Language Common, Necril
Skills Athletics +14, Deception +9, Intimidation +9, Stealth +13
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0
Slow As zombie snake.
Items dagger (6), leather armor, shortsword
AC 22; Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +9
HP 80, negative healing (page 213); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed,
poison, unconscious; Weaknesses positive 5
Speed 35 feet
Melee [one-action] shortsword +14 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d6+9 piercing
Melee [one-action] dagger +14 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d4+9 piercing
Melee [one-action] fist +14, Damage 1d8+7 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] dagger +13 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4+9 piercing

Sneak Attack The withered zombie deals an additional 2d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Sudden Surge [free-action] As the husk zombie, but the withered zombie can’t use this ability for 1d4 rounds (instead of needing to spend 10 minutes motionless before using it again).
« 上次编辑: 2022-04-30, 周六 07:18:30 由 璀璨星炬 »

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Re: 【BoD】丧尸(Zombie)
« 回帖 #15 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 08:32:20 »
丧尸猛犸  Zombie Mammoth

劇透 -  原文:
This monstrous creature can overrun defenses and stomp foes into the ground, making it a terror on any battlefield.

丧尸猛犸  Zombie Mammoth         生物 11

中立邪恶 超大型 无心智 不死 丧尸

察觉 +17;黑暗视觉
技能 运动 +24
力量 +7, 敏捷 +0, 体质 +5, 智力 -5, 感知 +2, 魅力 -3
缓慢 Slow 丧尸猛犸永久具有缓慢(slowed) 1且无法使用反应动作(reactions)。

AC 27;强韧 +22,反射 +15,意志 +19
HP  290,负能量治疗;
免疫  死亡效果,疾病,心灵,麻痹,毒素,失去意识;
弱点  正能量 10,挥砍 10
断鼻 Severed Trunk  当丧尸猛犸被一个造成挥砍伤害的打击重击时,猛犸的象鼻被切离它的躯体,任何被象鼻擒抱(grabbed)或束缚(restrained)的生物都被释放,猛犸失去象鼻打击和高等紧勒能力。       
        象鼻在战场上滑行,仍然活化,并且在丧尸猛犸的先攻顺序之后立即行动。鼻子保留了高等紧勒能力和象鼻打击,但它不能使用象牙打击、象足打击、蹒跚践踏能力。它的数据和猛犸本体相同,除了AC降至23,只有50 HP,速度为10尺。对断鼻造成的伤害不会影响丧尸猛犸。

劇透 -  原文:
Perception +17; darkvision
Skills Athletics +24
Str +7, Dex +0, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +2, Cha –3
Slow As zombie snake.

AC 27; Fort +22, Ref +15, Will +19
HP 290, negative healing (page 213); Immunities death effects,
disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses
positive 10, slashing 10

Severed Trunk When the zombie mammoth is hit by a critical hit that deals slashing damage, the mammoth’s trunk is severed from its body. Any creature grabbed or restrained with the trunk is released, and the mammoth loses its trunk Strike and Greater Constrict.The trunk slithers across the battlefield, still animated, and acts in initiative right after the mammoth. It retains Greater Constrict and trunk Strikes but can’t use tusk Strikes, foot Strikes, or Shambling Trample. It has all the stats of the mammoth, except its AC is reduced to 23, it has only 50 Hit Points, and its Speed is 10 feet. Damage dealt to the severed trunk has no effect on the zombie mammoth.

速度  45尺
近战 [A] 象牙 +24(触及 15尺),伤害 3d10+13 穿刺
近战 [A] 象鼻 +24(触及 15尺),伤害 2d10+7 钝击 加 精通攫抓
近战 [A] 象足 +24(触及 10尺),伤害 2d10+13 钝击
高等紧勒 [A]  2d10+7 钝击,DC 30;
蹒跚践踏 Shambling Trample [AA]  如同践踏(大型或更小,象足,DC 30),但丧尸猛犸行走至多其速度的距离,而非两倍速度的距离。

劇透 -  原文:
Speed 45 feet
Melee [one-action] tusk +24 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+13 piercing
Melee [one-action] trunk +24 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning plus Improved Grab (page 213)
Melee [one-action] foot +24 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+13 bludgeoning
Greater Constrict [one-action] 2d10+7 bludgeoning, DC 30 (page 213)

Shambling Trample[two-actions] As Trample (Large or smaller, foot, DC 30, page 214), but the zombie mammoth Strides up to its Speed instead of double.

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