作者 主题: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire  (阅读 14201 次)

副标题: 文章:《贪得无厌的吸血鬼!》;僵尸 Jiang-shi、毘陀罗逻那 Vetalarana

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【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 00:55:20 »

Voracious Vampires!


劇透 -  原文:
Many among the living say vampires are the superior form of undead and the preferred method to achieving immortality. In my experience, this speaks more to a mortal’s vanity than to any perfection of the vampiric species. Yes, it is true vampires are immortal creatures, unravaged by illness and incredibly difficult to kill. And yes, some vampiric species remain objectively attractive and youthful in appearance—at least as much as the original subject was attractive and youthful in life—and vampires display none of the putrescence typically associated with the dead. However, are vampires the pinnacle of undeath? To this I vehemently argue, no.

Vampires are ruled primarily by illogical compulsions and revulsions. These are not simply psychological quirks, but gaping flaws in the psyche: weaknesses that enable even the foolish and defenseless to avoid, repel, and kill vampires. Vampires then, regardless of their many merits, remain far from necromantic perfection. These faults do nothing to reduce their importance as subjects of study, however.

血系 Bloodlines
  吸血鬼们并不统一于一个世系下,相较于其他不死生物显示出更大的差异性。学者们将每个不同类型称为一支 "血系"(“bloodline”)。事实上,每个变种都是一类独特的物种,但我将在此文中保留这个术语。它十分常用,且因其内在的典雅而惹人喜爱。

劇透 -   :
Vampires are not a uniform lineage and display greater variance than most forms of undead. Scholars refer to each type as a “bloodline.” Each variation is, in fact, a distinct species, but I will retain the term here. It is commonly used and endearing in its base poetry.

There are five confirmed vampire bloodlines, including moroi, the most common of all vampires. Other types include the jiang-shi, nosferatus, vetalaranas, and the vrykolakas. These bloodlines can be separated into two groups: blood-drinkers, who devour the physical essence of others (blood, most often), and breath-stealers, who consume the metaphysical essence of others (such as thoughts or qi).

解剖学 Anatomy

劇透 -   :
The transformation into death and undeath is subtle in most vampiric bloodlines, with most appearing as they did in life save for a minor predatory mutation determined by their method of consumption. The canine teeth of blood-drinkers elongate into piercing fangs. Both breath-stealers and blood-drinkers grow long claws in place of nails. Others, like the aged nosferatus and the bestial vrykolakas, appear less mortal, gaining the countenance of an emaciated corpse or animalistic predator, respectively.

Other changes a vampire undergoes are more difficult to discern at a glance. Their flesh becomes unnaturally hard and difficult to puncture, their eyes adjust to darkness, and their wounds heal incredibly rapidly, repairing the most grievous injuries in moments. Additionally, a vampire’s body gains all the standard resiliencies of other corporeal undead.

饥渴 Hunger

劇透 -   :
Vampires of all bloodlines endure unending hunger. The young are ruled by it, but with time and experience, elder vampires can control it—if they choose. This hunger is the axis around which all vampire’s lives revolve, as they perpetually hunt to sate it. Only the youngest or most reckless vampires hunt openly, which inevitably invites vampire hunters and other specialists to their residence. Usually, vampires hunt with subtlety. They strike only when their prey is isolated and ensure their assaults leave behind no witnesses, bloody spectacles, or corpses. Some vampires choose to eat only enough to sate their hunger, leaving their victim alive (though rarely free), while others hunt to kill. Most carefully dispose of the corpses.

When well fed, a vampire has an easier time controlling their urges. Most become flushed with false life; some might even pass as mortal for a brief time. Vampires can’t starve to death. However, lack of food makes a vampire increasingly feral, impulsive, and corpse-like. Their eyes become hollow, their cheeks sunken, their forms skeletally thin. In this state of desperate hunger, a vampire has no impulse control nor greater cognitive functions; they attack wantonly, feeding on everything in sight.

其他强制力 Other Compulsions
劇透 -   :
Every vampire is plagued by a collection of psychological eccentricities that compel it to action or repel it in fear. These vary by bloodline. A moroi vampire can’t voluntarily cross running water or enter a house without being invited inside, and recoils from religious symbols and garlic. Jiang-shi, in contrast, cannot abide mirrors or ringing handbells. More even than their appetites, these vulnerabilities make vampires hard to rely on. One must assign tasks carefully to work around these compulsions.

领地 Dominion
劇透 -   :
Like many living creatures, a vampire seeks out shelter. For some bloodlines, doing so is simply a matter of convenience, comfort, defense. For others, it is a necessity. Moroi and nosferatus can be destroyed by sunlight and must sleep each night within their coffin. Vrykolakas must bury themselves in their grave once a week. Moroi and vetalaranas are the most likely bloodlines to live openly within a mortal settlement, keeping their vampiric nature a secret and masquerading as the living. Other bloodlines might live secretly within or immediately outside a settlement. The settlement and surrounding region become the vampire’s hunting grounds, the citizens their prey. Some vampires take exception to other predators preying upon their “flock” or living within their “domain,” but most are indifferent to the mortals around them. Such feelings, if they exist, are entirely self-serving. A vampire’s domain is a place to rest, recuperate, and retreat, but also a trap to lure prey, larder to store food, and a defensive bastion. It is likely filled with loyal minions and deadly traps. Entering such a place is folly.

斯特里戈伊:事实还是虚构? Strigoi: Fact or Fiction?
劇透 -   :
Rumors have long told of a progenitor form of vampire, an ancestral bloodline that fed upon both the physical and metaphysical being of a creature simultaneously. This “master” bloodline from which all other vampires are descended is called strigoi. Only recently has their presence been confirmed, after impetuous tomb robbers stumbled upon the ancient vaults where strigoi hide. Awaking these ancient bloodsuckers invites chaos. Time will tell whether they thrive or simply perish in the modern world.
« 上次编辑: 2022-09-21, 周三 06:54:00 由 璀璨星炬 »

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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 00:55:42 »
吸血鬼,僵尸  Vampire, Jiang-Shi

僵尸是源自天夏(Tian Xia)、跳跃前进的骇人吸血鬼。虽然它和其他吸血鬼类似——它们都是不死生物、都从活物身上吸取生命力、都只能通过某种特殊方式杀死——但僵尸是以活人的呼吸(又称为气或ki)为食,而不是血。相较于其他吸血鬼,僵尸虽拥有独特的力量,包括能够偏转魔法的纸符箓、非凡的跳跃能力、不惧阳光,它们也有其独特的弱点,如除非通过感知呼吸否则看不见活物、对钟和镜子的厌恶、以及近乎于昏厥的忧郁症(and near-stupefying melancholia)。值得庆幸的是,大多数僵尸没有创造吸血鬼衍体的能力。
劇透 -  原文:
Vampire, Jiang-Shi
Jiang-shi are terrifying hopping vampires from Tian Xia. Though similar to other vampires—they are undead, they drain vital energy from the living, and they can be slain only in specific ways—jiang-shi feast upon the breath of the living, also known as qi or ki, instead of blood. While they possess unique powers, including their magic-deflecting paper fulus, extraordinary jumping ability, and immunity to sunlight, jiang-shi also possess unique vulnerabilities, such as the inability to see living creatures save through breathsense, a revulsion to bells and mirrors, and near-stupefying melancholia. Thankfully, most jiang-shi can't create vampiric spawn.



  • 它获得不死和吸血鬼特征,阵营变为邪恶
  • 将此生物的AC攻击调整值DC豁免骰技能调整值+1
  • 将它的速度降低10尺,最低为15尺。
  • 打击(Strike)或其他攻击能力的伤害加1。如果一个能力只能短时间使用(例如龙的吐息武器)则其伤害增加2。
  • 将它的HP按下表减少。
  • 僵尸获得如下表所示的快速愈合和物理伤害抗力(除了暗木)。这也是为什么它的HP会减少。
劇透 -  原文:
Creating a Jiang-Shi
While it's best to create a jiang-shi from scratch, you can turn an existing living creature into a jiang-shi using the following steps.

Increase the creature's level by 1 and change its statistics as follows.
It gains the undead and vampire traits, and usually becomes evil.
Increase the creature's AC, attack modifiers, DCs, saving throws, and skill modifiers by 1.
Reduce the creature's Speed by 10 feet, to a minimum of 15 feet.
Increase the creature's damage with Strikes and other offensive abilities by 1. If an ability can be used only a small number of times (such as a dragon's breath weapon), increase the damage by 2 instead.
Reduce the creature's HP by the amount listed on the table.
The jiang-shi gains fast healing and resistance to physical damage (except darkwood) as indicated in the table. These abilities are the reason the jiang-shi has less HP.
Starting Level   HP Decrease   Fast Healing/Resistance
3-4   –20   5
5-7   –30   7
8-14   –40   10
15+   –60   15


  • 黑暗视觉
  • 呼吸感知 Breathsense  60尺(精确)。僵尸只能靠呼吸来感知5尺外的生物。列出的范围(60尺)内的生物只要屏住呼吸,其对于僵尸而言就是隐形的。为了用这种方式屏住呼吸,生物必须腾出一只手来完全堵住鼻子或捂住嘴巴。(有关屏住呼吸的完整规则,请参阅溺水和窒息)。
  • 负能量治疗
  • 免疫  死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,睡眠,倒地
  • 一息尚存 One More Breath神术,死灵系,负能量)  与其他不死生物不同,僵尸不会在HP为0时被摧毁。取而代之的是,它会失去意识,于1分钟后苏醒并具有1点生命值。将至少1负载的糯米或鸡蛋撒在无意识的僵尸身上将会永久摧毁它们。如果僵尸的HP是被暗木武器的攻击降低到0,它们立刻被摧毁。
  • 僵尸弱点 Jiang-shi Vulnerabilities 
    • 厌恶 Revulsion 僵尸无法主动靠近一个挥舞的镜子或摇响的手钟10尺内。生物可以通过与镜子或手钟交互,从而挥舞或摇响该物体一轮(类似举起盾牌)。如果僵尸非自愿地来到了厌恶之物的10尺内,其获得逃跑状态,逃离至其厌恶对象的10尺以外。在暴露于其厌恶之物下一轮之后,僵尸可以花费一个拥有专注特征的动作尝试一次DC 25的意志检定。一旦成功,它能在1d6轮内克服其厌恶(大成功则为1小时)。
    • 苦涩顿悟 Bitter Epiphany 僵尸一旦意识到自己堕落的本性和其存在已经与生命相悖离的真相,就会陷入严重的忧郁中。每当僵尸看见一个祭坛,其上摆着至少1负载的用于供奉给先祖的食物时,它们必须进行DC 25意志豁免。然后它们会临时免疫苦涩顿悟1分钟。
      • 大成功 僵尸不受影响;
      • 成功 僵尸获得呆滞(stupefied) 1,持续1轮;
      • 失败 僵尸获得呆滞(stupefied) 2,持续1分钟;
      • 大失败 僵尸获得呆滞(stupefied) 2和困惑(confused),持续1分钟。
  • 扭曲的符箓 Warped Fulu  僵尸已经腐化了贴在它们额头上的符箓。僵尸免疫那些从魔法物品上施展且不需要消耗法术位的法术,例如卷轴或魔杖。一个生物可以使用盗窃(Steal)技能动作来移除僵尸的符箓,投骰对抗僵尸的察觉DC。这会立即终止僵尸对这些效果的免疫。如果一个生物随后用一个交互动作摧毁一只僵尸被移除的符箓,僵尸也将失去快速愈合能力。僵尸能通过用书写工具在一张纸条(或类似的东西)上不间断的写一小时字,来创造一个替代的符箓。
  • 尸僵 Rigor Mortis  僵尸无视困难地形和会令它倒地的效果。僵尸不能进行趴下(Drop Prone)基本动作。每当僵尸跳跃时,它不会触发通常会因移动动作触发的反应,例如借机攻击。
  • 利爪 Claws  如果基底生物有手,那么它的指甲会增厚并长地可怕,给予其利爪无武装打击,造成挥砍伤害,具有灵巧特征,且有攫抓怪物能力。伤害值则为打击伤害表上其等级对应的“适中”一列。
  • 吸纳阳气 Drain Qi [A]神术,死灵系需求  一个处于擒抱、麻痹、束缚、失去意识状态下,或自愿的生物正位于僵尸的触及范围内;效果  僵尸通过呼吸来汲取受害者的生命能量,也就是“气”。如果受害者处于擒抱状态,则僵尸需要进行运动检定来对抗受害者的强韧DC,其余情况则无需如此。受害者获得流失(drained) 1,僵尸恢复相当于其最大HP10%的HP,多余的则会作为临时生命获得。从一个已经流失(drained)的生物上吸纳阳气并不会为僵尸恢复生命,但会使这个受害者的流失(drained)值+1。若受害者有能力施展真气法术,他能花费1点聚能点来避免流失(drained)。这只能保护它不受当前的攻击,而不能防止之后的吸纳阳气的效果。
            受害者的流失(drain)值每周减少1点。如果受害者严格控制饮食,只吃糯米至少1天,并成功通过DC 25运动检定来花费10分钟跳舞、慢跑、或进行其他激烈的体育运动,他的流失(drained)值减少1。
劇透 -  原文:
Basic Jiang-Shi Abilities
If the base creature becoming a jiang-shi has any abilities that specifically come from it being a living creature, it loses them. It also loses any traits that represented its life as a living creature, such as human and humanoid. You might also need to adjust abilities that conflict with the jiang-shi's theme. All jiang-shi gain the following abilities.


Breathsense 60 feet (precise). A jiang-shi can't perceive living creatures beyond 5 feet except with their breathsense. A living creature within the listed range who holds its breath is invisible to the jiang-shi for as long as it hold its breath. To hold its breath in this way, a creature must have one hand free to fully plug its nose or cover its mouth. (Refer to Drowning and Suffocation for the full rules on holding breath.)

Negative Healing

Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, sleep, prone

One More Breath (divine, necromancy, negative); Unlike other undead, a jiang-shi isn't destroyed at 0 HP. Instead, they fall unconscious and awaken in 1 minute with 1 Hit Point. Scattering at least 1 Bulk of glutinous rice or hen eggs on an unconscious jiang-shi destroys them permanently. If the jiang-shi was reduced to 0 HP by an attack from a weapon made of darkwood, they're destroyed immediately

Jiang-shi Vulnerabilities All jiang-shi possess the following vulnerabilities.
Revulsion A jiang-shi can't voluntarily come within 10 feet of a brandished mirror or the sound of ringing handbells. A creature can Interact with a mirror or handbell to brandish or ring that item for 1 round (similar to Raising a Shield). If the jiang-shi involuntarily comes within 10 feet of an object of their revulsion, they gain the fleeing condition, running from the object of their revulsion until they are 10 feet or farther from the object. After 1 round of being exposed to the object of their revulsion, a jiang-shi can attempt a DC 25 Will save as a single action, which has the concentrate trait. On a success, they overcome their revulsions for 1d6 rounds (or 1 hour on a critical success).
Bitter Epiphany A jiang-shi is afflicted by severe melancholia when reminded of their debased nature and the truth of their existential disconnection from living beings. When a jiang-shi sees an altar with at least 1 Bulk of food offerings to ancestor spirits, they must attempt a DC 25 Will save. They are then temporarily immune to bitter epiphany for 1 minute.
Critical Success The jiang-shi is unaffected.
Success The jiang-shi is stupefied 1 for 1 round.
Failure The jiang-shi is stupefied 2 for 1 minute.
Critical Failure The jiang-shi is stupefied 2 and confused for 1 minute.
Warped Fulu The jiang-shi has corrupted the fulu attached to their brow. The jiang-shi is immune to spells cast from a magic item without expending a spell slot, such as from a scroll or wand. A creature can Steal a jiang-shi's fulu to remove it, rolling against the jiang-shi's Perception DC. This immediately ends the jiang-shi's immunity to these effects. If a creature then destroys a jiang-shi's removed fulu with an Interact action, the jiang-shi also loses their fast healing ability. A jiang-shi can create a replacement fulu by spending 1 uninterrupted hour inscribing a strip of paper (or similar) with a writing instrument.

Rigor Mortis The jiang-shi ignores difficult terrain and effects that would render it prone. A jiang-shi can't take the Drop Prone action. When a jiang-shi Leap, it doesn't trigger reactions that are normally triggered by move actions, such as Attacks of Opportunity.

Claws If the base creature had hands, its fingernails thicken and grow to terrible proportions, granting it an unarmed claw Strike that deals slashing damage, has the agile trait, and can Grab. Use the moderate damage for the creature's level on the Strike Damage table.

Drain Qi Single Action (divine, necromancy) Requirement A grabbed, paralyzed, restrained, unconscious, or willing creature is within the jiang-shi's reach; Effect The jiang-shi drains the victim's life energy, or qi, through their breath. This requires an Athletics check against the victim's Fortitude DC if the victim is grabbed and is automatic for any of the other conditions. The victim is drained 1 and the jiang-shi regains HP equal to 10% of its maximum HP, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit Points. Draining qi from a creature that's already drained doesn't restore any HP to the jiang-shi but increases the victim's drained condition value by 1. If the victim has the ability to cast ki spells, it can spend 1 Focus Point to avoid becoming drained. This protects it only from the current attack, not from subsequent attempts to Drain Qi.
A victim's drained condition value decreases by 1 every week. If the creature restricts their diet to glutinous rice for at least 1 day and spends 10 minutes dancing, jogging, or otherwise engaging in vigorous physical activity by succeeding at a DC 25 Athletics check, it reduces its drained condition by 1.



  • 抗力  僵尸获得对全部物理伤害的抗力(除了魔法暗木)
  • 黑暗启蒙 Dark Enlightenment  僵尸不再局限于凭呼吸感知来“看见”生物,也不再拥有厌恶弱点。它们可以通过黑暗视觉或呼吸感知来正常地察觉生物,它们还能进行趴下基本动作。
  • 虎跃 Distant Steps  当僵尸跳跃时,它能多跳10尺水平/垂直距离而不增加跳跃DC。僵尸还能在水面等其他原本不能承受它重量的固或液体表面行走。
  • 尸血躁燃 Tumult of the Blood神术,死灵系)  僵尸在1分钟内第三次成功使用吸纳阳气能力后,它会获得持续1分钟的迅捷(quicken)状态。它们只能将获得的额外动作用于打击或行走。
劇透 -  原文:
Jiang-Shi Minister Abilities
Those rare jiang-shi who have devoured at least a thousand victims' qi have shed many of their frailties and become able to create jiang-shi from their slain victims. These imperious undead address themselves as “ministers” or by other grandiose titles, and they mock lesser jiang-shi as mere “provincials.”

Ministers gain additional jiang-shi abilities, as detailed below. A creature below level 13 is not significant enough to become a minister—you should instead simply make such a creature into a regular jiang-shi or rebuild the creature so that it's at least level 13 before becoming a minister.

Resistances The jiang-shi resists all physical damage (except magical darkwood).

Dark Enlightenment The jiang-shi is no longer limited to seeing living creatures with only their breathsense, and they no longer have the Revulsion vulnerability. They can perceive living creatures normally with either darkvision or breathsense, and they can take the Drop Prone action.

Distant Steps When the jiang-shi Leaps, they can add 10 feet to the horizontal and/or vertical distance they move without affecting the Leap DC. The jiang-shi can stand and walk on water and other solid or liquid surfaces that wouldn't normally support their weight.

Tumult of the Blood (divine, necromancy); The third time a jiang-shi successfully Drains Qi within a single minute, they become quickened for 1 minute. They can use their extra action only to Strike or Stride.

引述: 额外学识
黑暗的梦想家 Dreamers of the Dark
僵尸通常从已经离世但却选择重返人间的牧师或神职人员中复活。在休憩时,僵尸会被阴间(netherworld;根据一代表格,是影界的别名)的梦境所困扰。许多人回忆起无尽的贫困,在清醒后本能地寻求分享它们的痛苦。有的回想起(过去的)屈辱,发誓没人能再征服它们。一些人甚至瞥见了多元宇宙的秘密,并密谋将天堂(the heavens)吸干。
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional Lore:Dreamers of the Dark
Jiang-shi typically arise from priests or holy workers who have died but chose to make their way back from the afterlife. While in a state of repose, a jiang-shi is haunted by dream visions of the netherworld. Many recall endless privations and instinctively seek to share their agonies while awake. Some recall humiliation and swear none shall master them again. A few even glimpse the multiverse's secrets and plot to drain the heavens dry.

引述: 财富和奖励
僵尸和符箓 Jiang-Shi and Fulus
一种天(夏)特有的对僵尸驱魔方式(A typical Tian exorcism for a jiang-shi)包括将吸血鬼降服,之后再接一段向法莱斯玛的冗长祈祷。驱魔人随后会在僵尸的额头上贴一张符箓,人们相信这东西能够缓解这些不死生物永恒的噩梦。
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards:Jiang-Shi and Fulus
A typical Tian exorcism for a jiang-shi involves the subdual of the vampire followed by a lengthy prayer to Pharasma. The exorcist then affixes a fulu charm upon the jiang-shi's brow, an object believed to ease the undead's eternal nightmares.

引述: 额外学识
呼吸与死亡的阶级地位 Hierarchies of Breath and Death
不同于它们的嗜血表亲,僵尸依靠凡人的呼吸与生命力凝结成的“气”,有些地方也称为 "Ki" ,维生。每当僵尸吸入更多的气,它的身心就会变得更加强壮。一些真正暴食无度的僵尸还会变得更加强大,并获得比它的同辈更高的地位。这种古老的吸血鬼被称为“宰主”,他们只求享用宇宙中最纯净的气。
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional Lore:Hierarchies of Breath and Death
Unlike their blood-drinking cousins, jiang-shi subsist on mortals' breath and vitality in the form of qi, also known in some regions as ki. As a jiang-shi inhales more qi, it becomes stronger in body and mind. A truly gluttonous jiang-shi becomes even more powerful and attains a higher status than their peers. Such ancient vampires are known as “ministers,” and they seek to feast on only the most rarefied qi of the cosmos.

引述: 额外学识
天地不容 Scorned by Heaven and Earth
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional Lore:Scorned by Heaven and Earth
Jiang-shi crave qi, but are also repelled by certain harmonious arrangements of qi, such as that which occurs in rice, hen eggs, mirrors, and certain types of wood.
« 上次编辑: 2022-08-03, 周三 23:31:02 由 璀璨星炬 »

线上 璀璨星炬

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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 01:01:53 »
村野僵尸  Provincial Jiang-Shi

劇透 -  原文:
Provincial Jiang-Shi
Roused rudely from their nightmarish slumber, the provincial jiang-shi roams the villages and graveyards around their domain searching for sustenance to slake their hunger.

村野僵尸  Provincial Jiang-Shi         生物 11

混乱邪恶 中型 不死 吸血鬼

察觉 +22;呼吸感知(精确) 60尺,黑暗视觉
语言 通用语,死灵语,天洲语
技能 特技 +16,运动 +22,威吓 +20,宗教 +22
力量 +5, 敏捷 +3, 体质 +4, 智力 +3, 感知 +7, 魅力 +3
物品 +1 强击 硬头锤

劇透 -  原文:
Provincial Jiang-Shi
Creature 11
Source Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight! pg. 86
Perception +22; breathsense (precise) 60 feet, darkvision
Languages Common, Necril, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +22, Intimidation +20, Religion +22
Str +5, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +7, Cha +3
Items +1 striking mace

AC 31;强韧 +21,反射 +18,意志 +24
HP 130,快速愈合 10,负能量治疗,一息尚存;
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,睡眠,倒地;
抗力 物理 10(除了暗木)
僵尸弱点 Jiang-shi Vulnerabilities
扭曲的符箓 Warped Fulu

劇透 -  原文:
AC 31; Fort +21, Ref +18, Will +24
HP 130 (fast healing 10, negative healing, one more breath); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, sleep, prone; Resistances physical 10 (except darkwood)
Jiang-Shi Vulnerabilities
Warped Fulu

速度 15尺;尸僵
近战 [A] 利爪 +22(灵巧),伤害 2d10+11 穿刺 * 加 攫抓
近战 [A] 硬头锤 +23(魔法,猛推),伤害 2d6+11 钝击
吸纳阳气 Drain Qi [A]神术,死灵系) 在使用此能力时,村野僵尸恢复13点HP。
神术内在法术 DC 32,攻击 +22;

  • 6环 伤害术(×7),灵魂冲击血族驱命
  • 5环 幽影爆破
  • 4环 弱能术 APG鬼影惨剧 APG(×2);
  • 3环 束缚死灵恐惧术(×3)。
劇透 -  原文:
Speed 15 feet; rigor mortis
Melee Single Action claw +22 [+18/+14] (agile), Damage 2d10+11 piercing plus Grab
Melee Single Action mace +23 [+18/+13] (magical, shove), Damage 2d6+11 bludgeoning
Divine Innate Spells DC 32, attack +22; 6th harm (×7), spirit blast, vampiric exsanguination; 5th shadow blast; 4th enervation, ghostly tragedy (×2); 3rd bind undead, fear (×3)
Drain Qi Single Action (divine, necromancy) When Draining Qi, the provincial jiang-shi regains 13 HP.
* 利爪伤害类型据上文应当是“挥砍”
« 上次编辑: 2022-08-03, 周三 19:45:43 由 璀璨星炬 »

线上 璀璨星炬

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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 01:13:52 »
祸国宰主  Minister Of Tumult


劇透 -  原文:
Minister Of Tumult
Ministers of tumult are grandmasters of killing, having cultivated their prowess to supernatural levels through the qi reaved from countless mortals. Many such jiang-shi ministers rule over settlements or even entire city-states, cowing their subjects into unerring obedience.

A settlement or city-state under the control of a minister of tumult typically seems, on the outside, like everything is running smoothly and with clockwork precision. Guard patrols, street cleanings, carriages, and more always arrive precisely at the designated time, neither early nor late. To a visitor who doesn't pay any heed to the unease behind the smiles on the inhabitants' faces, the minister of tumult's fiefdom might appear to be a marvelous place to live. But the truth is much more dire. Ministers of tumult keep control and engorge themselves with qi by draining qi from criminals. If the minister of tumult is hungry and there haven't been any serious crimes, they simply dole out this punishment for petty crimes, minor infractions, or simple failures to perform adequately. This keeps the people in check, as there always seems to be a way to avoid the penalty by acting perfectly.

祸国宰主  Minister Of Tumult         生物 14

守序邪恶 中型 不死 吸血鬼

察觉 +28;呼吸感知(精确) 60尺,黑暗视觉
语言 通用语,死灵语,天洲语
技能 特技 +24,运动 +29,交涉 +24,威吓 +24,武术学识(Martial Arts Lore) +22,社群 +20,隐秘 +24
力量 +7, 敏捷 +4, 体质 +6, 智力 +4, 感知 +8, 魅力 +4

AC 36;强韧 +26,反射 +24,意志 +28
HP 190,快速愈合 10,负能量治疗,一息尚存;
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,睡眠,倒地;
抗力 物理 10(除了魔法暗木)
僵尸弱点 Jiang-shi Vulnerabilities (译注:没有厌恶
扭曲的符箓 Warped Fulu

劇透 -  原文:
Minister Of Tumult
Creature 14
Source Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight! pg. 87
Perception +28; breathsense (precise) 60 feet, darkvision
Languages Common, Necril, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +24, Athletics +29, Diplomacy +24, Intimidation +24, Martial Arts Lore +22, Society +20, Stealth +24
Str +7, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +8, Cha +4
AC 36; Fort +26, Ref +24, Will +28
HP 190 (fast healing 10, negative healing, one more breath); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, sleep, prone; Resistances physical 10 (except magical darkwood)
Jiang-Shi Vulnerabilities
Warped Fulu

速度 30尺;尸僵
近战 [A] 利爪 +29(灵巧,娴熟),伤害 3d10+13 穿刺 * 加 攫抓
吸纳阳气 Drain Qi [A]神术,死灵系) 在使用此能力时,祸国宰主恢复19点HP。
武僧聚能法术 3 聚能点,DC 34;

  • 8环 爆气冲刺美杜莎之怒 APG风行跃
死亡预感 Premonition of Death [F] 触发 宰相骰先攻或它的回合开始;效果 宰相调整身姿应对将要发生的暴力,它使用气冥架式能力。
气冥架式 Stance of Death [A]架势,死灵系) 宰相身上饱满的气让它在任何时候都能完美地控制自己的身体。它采取下列架势之一。

  • 销骨行尸 Bone Corpse  每当宰相在此架势下成功使用吸纳阳气能力后,在1轮中,这个流失的生物在行走的时候必须通过DC 5纯骰检定,否则动作被浪费并倒地;
  • 西字头的fu云冥爪 Cloudless Void  僵尸在AC上获得+1环境加值,它们的利爪获得长触及特征;
  • 脉断气绝 Sundered Veins  被僵尸的利爪攻击的生物受到1d10持续流血伤害。重击时他们还会获得力竭(enfeebled) 1。
劇透 -  原文:
Speed 30 feet; rigor mortis
Melee Single Action claw +29 [+25/+21] (agile, finesse), Damage 3d10+13 piercing plus Grab
Monk Focus Spells 3 Focus Points, DC 34; 8th ki rush, medusa's wrath, wind jump
Drain Qi Single Action (divine, necromancy) When Draining Qi, the minister of tumult regains 19 HP.
Premonition of Death Free Action Trigger The minister rolls initiative or their turn begins; Effect The minister is attuned to coming violence. The minister uses Stance of Death.
Stance of Death Single Action (stance, necromancy) The minister's qi-engorged form allows perfect body control at all times. They assume one of the following stances.
Bone Corpse When the minister successfully Drains Qi while in this stance, for 1 round each time the drained creature Strides it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or waste the action and fall prone.
Cloudless Void The jiang-shi gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and their claw Strikes gain the reach trait.
Sundered Veins Creatures struck by the jiang-shi's claw Strikes take 1d10 persistent bleed damage. On a critical hit, they are also enfeebled 1.
* 利爪伤害类型据上文应当是“挥砍”;且这个家伙没有“虎跃”“尸血躁燃”能力,“黑暗启蒙”也没有标明.......
** 僵尸宰相理论上应该有“创造子嗣”能力,不知为何能力一览和怪物数据均没有列出。

« 上次编辑: 2022-12-20, 周二 04:25:26 由 璀璨星炬 »

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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 01:15:09 »
吸血鬼,毘陀罗逻那 Vampire, Vetalarana



创建一只毘陀罗逻那 Create a Vetalarana

  • 它获得不死和吸血鬼特征,并且几乎总是变为邪恶
  • 将它的AC攻击加值DC豁免加值技能调整值+1
  • 打击(Strike)或其他攻击能力的伤害加1。如果一个能力只能短时间使用(例如龙的吐息武器)则其伤害增加2。
  • 将它的HP按下表减少。
  • 毘陀罗逻那获得如下表所示的快速愈合、心灵伤害抗力、和物理伤害抗力(除了寒铁武器)。这也是为什么毘陀罗逻那的HP比原来要少。

基础毘陀罗逻那能力 Basic Vetalarana Abilities

  • 黑暗视觉 译注:原文无此能力,根据下文怪物数据,应该是编辑的时候漏了。
  • 思维感知 Thoughtsense预言系,心灵,异能)  毘陀罗逻那能感知到100尺内所有非无心智生物,这是一个精确感官。
  • 负能量治疗
  • 免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,睡眠
  • 毘陀罗逻那弱点 Vetalarana Weakness 所有毘陀罗逻那都有以下弱点
    • 阻碍感知 Barred Senses 毘陀罗逻那无法看到或者感知到力场(force)效果或者寒铁(cold iron)后的东西。它们的心智也无法穿透力场(force)或寒铁(cold iron)。这样的屏障能够阻止毘陀罗逻那通过心灵重生(Mental Rebirth)能力(见下)转移自己的心智。
    • 厌恶 Revulsion 毘陀罗逻那以享用记忆和秘密为乐,并对那些公开分享这种敏感琐事的人感到厌恶。毘陀罗逻那不能主动接近一位大声说出自己私密的个人秘密或最珍贵的记忆的人10尺以内。坚定且大声地说出这类信息是一个有着“听觉”、“专注”和“语言”特征单动作[A],这会保护该生物直到他的下个回合开始。非自愿地来到了厌恶对象的10尺范围内的毘陀罗逻那会获得逃跑(fleeing)状态,直到它逃至其厌恶对象的10尺以外。在暴露于一个生物的秘密一轮后,毘陀罗逻那可以花费一个拥有专注(concentrate)特征的单动作[A]尝试一次DC 25的意志检定。一旦成功,它能在1d6轮内克服其厌恶(如果大成功则改为1小时)。
    • 脑损易伤 Vulnerable to Brain Destruction 大脑被摧毁或在不能使用心灵(mental)动作时HP被降至0的毘陀罗逻那无法使用心灵重生(Mental Rebirth)能力。
  • 心灵重生 Mental Rebirth诅咒,失能,心灵,死灵系,异能)  毘陀罗逻那不会在HP为0的时候被摧毁。相反,它们的身体被摧毁,崩解成灰,而它们的心智会立刻转移到一个它们通过汲取思维(Drain Thoughts)能力(见下)而令其昏迷的一个生物中。这个生物必须在1英里范围内;如果范围内没有这样的生物,毘陀罗逻那就会被摧毁。该生物会被毘陀罗逻那控制(controlled),并失去呆滞(stupefied)和失去意识(unconscious)状态。如果以这种方式被毘陀罗逻那控制的生物被杀死,毘陀罗逻那的心智会转移到1英里内的另一个因汲取思绪(Drain Thoughts)能力而昏迷的生物身上。
  • 攀爬速度 Climb Speed 毘陀罗逻那获得等同于陆地速度的攀爬速度。
  • 利爪 Claws 如果基底生物有手,它的指甲变厚并长到可怕的比例,给予该生物利爪打击,造成挥砍伤害,并具有“灵巧”特征和攫抓怪物基础能力。利爪打击的伤害为该生物等级对应的适中打击伤害(见GMG)。
  • 汲取思绪 Drain Thoughts [A]预言系,心灵,异能)  需求 一个被擒抱(grabbed)、麻痹(paralyzed)、束缚(restrained)、失去意识(unconsicous)或自愿的生物身处毘陀罗逻那的触及范围内;效果 毘陀罗逻那抓住一个生物并吞噬它的记忆。如果目标被擒抱,吸血鬼需要进行一次运动检定对抗受害者的强韧DC;在其他情况下则都将自动成功。受害者获得呆滞(stupefied) 1,毘陀罗逻那回复等同于自身最大生命值10%的生命值,多余的则会变为临时生命。从已经获得呆滞(stupefied)状态的生物身上汲取思维不会回复任何生命值,但会使受害者的呆滞值加1。此外,毘陀罗逻那还会查看受害者的一段记忆。
      因此能力而达到呆滞(stupefied) 5的受害者陷入昏迷,变得永远失去意识。只要那只毘陀罗逻那还活着,昏迷的受害者就不能恢复意识,且他的呆滞(stupefied)值也不会减少。

毘陀罗逻那操纵者能力 Vetalarana Manipulator Abilities


  • 抗力 Resistance 毘陀罗逻那操纵者获得对心灵伤害和全部物理伤害的抗力(除了魔法寒铁武器)
  • 控制昏迷者 Control Comatose探索,失能,心灵,死灵系,异能,占据)  频率 每日一次;魔法 毘陀罗逻那操纵者花费10分钟对因汲取思绪能力而昏迷的生物进行心灵控制。这具有法术 占据术 的效果,但持续时间至多6小时,范围1英里,且毘陀罗逻那能够一次控制至多自身等级一半的昏迷受害者。昏迷的受害者无法抵抗这种占据,并且在对本能力的豁免中自动大失败。
  • 汲取思绪 Drain Thoughts [A]预言系,心灵,异能)  如同基础毘陀罗逻那,但毘陀罗逻那操纵者可以选择改变、增强或消除他们所看到的记忆,如同4环 修改记忆 法术。如果毘陀罗逻那在运动技能检定中大成功,目标会获得呆滞(stupefied) 2而非呆滞(stupefied) 1。
  • 异能内在法术 毘陀罗逻那操纵者获得常驻异能内在法术巧言术
  • 麻痹爪 Paralyzing Claws失能,异能,死灵系)  任何被受毘陀罗逻那操纵者的利爪打击命中的活物必须成功通过强韧豁免,否则会陷入麻痹(paralyzed)。被麻痹的生物可以在自己的每个回合结束时尝试一次新的豁免以结束此效果,每次此豁免的DC都会递减1点。使用法术DC和法术攻击表对应的适中DC。

引述: 额外学识
 混淆身份 Mistaken Identity
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional Lore:Mistaken Identity
Consuming thoughts is an overwhelming sensory experience that requires practice and mental discipline to master. Newly risen vetalaranas that consume memories too rapidly can lose sight of their identity amid the foreign thoughts in their minds. Consequently, they might return to the wrong home, abduct their prey's family, or adopt the quirks and vices of their victims.

引述: 额外学识
 傀儡师 Puppeteers
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional Lore:Puppeteers
Vetalarana manipulators are obsessed with control. They experiment with the minds of the living, manipulating, enhancing, and erasing their victim's memories to see what changes occur. Through these mental experiments, vetalaranas learn how to control minds and lives, twisting mortals into loyal servants or unknowing puppets while erasing any record of their own interference.

引述: 额外学识
 思绪鉴赏家 Thought Connoisseurs
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Additional Lore:Thought Connoisseurs
While all vetalaranas hunger for the most cherished memories and deepest secrets, vetalarana manipulators use the memories they consume to learn the skills and talents of their prey. Thus, they select their prey with great care. Each has their preferences, depending upon the skills they wish to cultivate, perhaps martial prowess, musical talent, arcane might, or enlightenment.

引述: 财富和奖励
 寒铁的用途 Uses for Cold Iron
劇透 -  原文:
Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards:Uses for Cold Iron
Canny mortals looking to thwart a vetalarana make heavy use of cold iron. They line their sanctuaries with the material or surround comatose victims in cold iron sheets, armor, or shields. Others weave shrouds of cold iron thread or mix cold iron dust into paints and oils—though the efficacy of the latter is debatable.
« 上次编辑: 2022-12-15, 周四 06:13:18 由 璀璨星炬 »

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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 01:15:25 »
毘陀罗逻那新生者 Vetalarana Emergent



毘陀罗逻那新生者 Vetalarana Emergent         生物 8

混乱邪恶 中型 不死 吸血鬼
察觉 +14;黑暗视觉,思维感知(精确) 100尺
语言 通用语,死灵语
技能 特技+ 15,运动 +18,威吓 +16,神秘 +13,隐秘 +17
力量 +5,敏捷 +5,体质 +4,智力 +3,感知 +4,魅力 +4
物品 +1 强击 弩

AC  26;强韧  +14,反射  +17,意志  +16
HP  100,快速愈合 10,心灵重生,负能量治疗
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,睡眠
弱点 毘陀罗逻那弱点
抗力 心灵 10,物理 10(除了寒铁)

速度 25尺,攀爬 25尺
近战 [A] 利爪 +20(灵巧),伤害 2d8+9 挥砍 加 攫抓
远程 [A] +20(魔法,射程增量 120尺,装填 1),伤害 2d8+3 穿刺
预测性攻击 Anticipatory Attack 毘陀罗逻那新生者用消耗的记忆来预测它们猎物的移动。毘陀罗逻那新生者的打击对因为汲取思绪能力而获得呆滞(stupified)的生物额外造成1d8精准伤害。
汲取思绪 Drain Thoughts [A]预言系,心灵,异能)  在使用本能力时,毘陀罗逻那新生者获得10HP。

« 上次编辑: 2022-08-07, 周日 07:03:59 由 璀璨星炬 »

线上 璀璨星炬

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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #6 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 01:15:36 »
毘陀罗逻那操纵者 Vetalarana Manipulator



毘陀罗逻那操纵者 Vetalarana Manipulator         生物 11

罕见 中立邪恶 中型 不死 吸血鬼
察觉 +22;黑暗视觉,思维感知(精确) 100尺
语言 通用语,死灵语;心灵感应 100尺,巧言术
技能 运动 +22,欺骗 +24,交涉 +24,威吓 +22,神秘 +23,社群 +23
力量 +4,敏捷 +4,体质 +4,智力 +6,感知 +7,魅力 +7

AC  28;强韧  +19,反射  +19,意志  +24
HP  140,快速愈合 10,心灵重生,负能量治疗
免疫 死亡效果,疾病,麻痹,毒素,睡眠
弱点 毘陀罗逻那弱点
抗力 心灵 10,物理 10(除了魔法寒铁)
心能优越 Psychic Superiority [R]惑控系,心灵,异能)  触发 一个生物用心灵效果或法术将毘陀罗逻那操纵者选为目标;效果 操纵者对触发生物进行心灵鞭笞,造成3d8的心灵伤害(DC 24基础意志豁免)。

速度 25尺,攀爬 25尺
近战 [A] 利爪 +21(灵巧,娴熟,魔法),伤害 3d8+10 挥砍 加 攫抓 和 麻痹爪
异能内在法术 DC 30;

  • 常驻(5环) 巧言术
异能准备法术 DC 30,攻击 +22;
  • 6环 支配术(×2),幽影爆破
  • 5环 命令术精神质询深层暗示神经脉冲
  • 4环 哀悔摧心 APG飞行术暗示术死者交谈
  • 3环 虚假生命极化认知读心术麻痹术
  • 2环 朦胧术黑暗术念动战技(×2);
  • 1环 绝望术命令术(×2),隐形仆役
  • 戏法(6环) 晕眩术法师之手阅读灵光魔法印记念动射弹
控制昏迷者 Control Comatose探索,失能,心灵,死灵系,异能,占据
汲取思绪 Drain Thoughts [A]预言系,心灵,异能)  在使用本能力时,毘陀罗逻那操纵者获得14HP。
麻痹爪 Paralyzing Claws失能,异能,死灵系)  DC 27

« 上次编辑: 2022-08-09, 周二 06:11:16 由 璀璨星炬 »

线上 璀璨星炬

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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #7 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 01:15:51 »
« 上次编辑: 2022-08-03, 周三 23:37:58 由 璀璨星炬 »

线上 月伶

  • Chivary
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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #8 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 12:07:48 »
melancholia是黑膽汁質,對應中醫的思慮傷脾;near-stupefying melancholia在這應該是形容殭屍的陰鬱具有感染力,讓靠近的人也跟著昏昏沉沉。


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Re: 【BoD】吸血鬼 Vampire
« 回帖 #9 于: 2022-08-03, 周三 22:20:01 »
我不太同意楼上的观点,near-stupefying melancholia这里应该是指代下文中僵尸的苦涩顿悟能力。
苦涩顿悟 Bitter Epiphany 僵尸一旦意识到自己堕落的本性和其存在已经与生命相悖离的真相,就会陷入严重的忧郁中。每当僵尸看见一个祭坛,其上摆着至少1负载的用于供奉给先祖的食物时,它们必须进行DC 25意志豁免。然后它们会临时免疫苦涩顿悟1分钟。

其他强制力 Other Compulsions