作者 主题: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱  (阅读 5722 次)

副标题: 我要用这个灰烬秘示域cos小烬!

离线 晨世宣融

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劇透 -  原文:
Yled is a massive city holding many secrets. The characters might discover several of the following items and gain access to some of these new rules in the city.
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-23, 周三 16:38:16 由 晨世宣融 »

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Re: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-11-22, 周二 09:34:29 »
万古石Aeon Stones
佩萨布奈特Pesabnet对万古石的可怕实验并不局限在PF核心规则书中提到的那些常见类型上。角色们可能会在苍白尖顶Pallid Pinnacle上发现以下不同寻常的万古石,它们都有着与生命和不死相关的效果。
劇透 -  原文:
Pesabnet's gruesome experiments with aeon stones aren't limited to the better-known types presented in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. The characters might discover the following unusual aeon stones in the Pallid Pinnacle, all of which have effects related to life and undeath.

万古石AEON STONE                         物品 9+

稀有 绑定 魔法 变化系
用法 穿戴;负载 -


类型 琥珀色球体amber sphere;等级 16;价格 9,800gp
如果你是不死生物,你的躯体会恢复你生前的大部分外观特征,并且你会在伪装Impersonate成活物的欺骗检定上获得+2的物品加值。如果你是活物,你的外表会保持在最健康的版本,并且你会在有关你的力量和强健的建立印象Make an Impression或请求Request的检定上获得+2物品加值。
启动 [AA]想象;频率 每天一次;效果 万古石对你施放7环惊骇假面 Mask of Terror(DC 34 意志),使你的外表涌现大量活力:你的口中布满了明亮的巨大牙齿、你的发丝活了过来抓握着彼此、你的面孔的皮肤渗出鲜艳的血液、或是其他类似情形。这种景象对每个观察者来说都是独特的,但不管幻象的形式如何,你仍然会被认出是你。

类型 黑色圆盘black disc;等级 17;价格 15,000gp

类型 有斑点的椭球体mottled ellipsoid;等级 15;价格 6,100gp
共鸣能力能让你施放7环虚假生命Life False,每日一次。

类型 虹彩棱镜rainbow prism;等级 13;价格 2,200gp
启动 [AA]想象;这枚万古石捕获一张你可以在30尺内看到的、与你相同体型的生物的图像,它同时最多可以储存3张图像;如果你捕获了第四张,你决定要替换哪张图像。
启动 [AA]想象;频率 每天三次;需求 棱镜储存着至少一张与你相同体型的生物的图像;效果 万古石对你施放3环幻象伪装illusory disguise,目标外观是它目前捕捉到的生物之一。只要你还在处于这个法术的效果中,万古石保持隐形invisible。
劇透 -  原文:
Usage worn; Bulk —
These precisely shaped crystals follow the rules for aeon stones presented on pages 604 to 605 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.
Type amber sphere; Level 16; Price 9,800 gp
If you are undead, your body regains much of the appearance it had in life, and you gain a +2 item bonus to Deception to Impersonate yourself as a living creature. If you're alive, your appearance is the healthiest version of yourself, and you gain a +2 item bonus to Make an Impression or Request that involves your strength or vigor.
The resonant power of the amber sphere grants you a special activation to improve your salubrious appearance to a lurid extreme.
Activate [two-actions] envision; Frequency once per day; Effect The stone casts a 7th-level mask of terror on you (DC 34 Will), causing your appearance to burst with a profusion of shocking vigor: your mouth fills with large and bright teeth, your hair animates in grasping tresses, your face flushes with bright blood that seeps from your skin, or similar. The image is unique to each observer, but you remain recognizably yourself regardless of the illusion's form.
Type black disc; Level 17; Price 15,000 gp
This aeon stone slowly infuses negative energy into your body. The stone deals 1 persistent negative damage to you (10 negative damage per minute) so long as it's invested, and you can't recover from persistent negative damage while you have the stone invested.
The resonant power grants you resistance 10 to good damage and to positive damage.
Type mottled ellipsoid; Level 15; Price 6,100 gp
This aeon stone alters your life force. You gain negative healing, which means you are damaged y positive energy and not healed by positive healing effects. You don't take negative damage, and you are healed by negative effects that heal undead.
The resonant power allows you to cast 7th-level false life once per day.
Type rainbow prism; Level 13; Price 2,200 gp
While this aeon stone orbits your head, the flat part of its base tumbles to briefly face creatures you can see within 30 feet, as though the stone is watching them. You can activate this stone in two ways.
Activate[two-actions] envision; Effect The aeon stone captures the image of a creature of your size that you can see within 30 feet. It can have up to 3 images captured at a time; if you capture a fourth, you decide which image it replaces.
Activate[two-actions] envision; Frequency three times per day; Requirements The prism is storing at least one image of a creature of your size; Effect The aeon stone casts a 3rd-level illusory disguise on you, which must be of one of the creatures it has currently captured. While
you are under the effects of this spell, the aeon stone is invisible.
The resonant power allows the stone to capture up to 5 images. If removed from the wayfinder, you must decide which images to lose.
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-22, 周二 11:10:41 由 晨世宣融 »

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Re: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-11-22, 周二 09:34:40 »
剧院物品Theater Items
吉娅希Ghiasi的剧院缱绻往事Twined Stories,是伊莱德最独特的剧院之一。以下的这些魔法物品以舞台上的生命——与死亡——以及缱绻往事特有的幽灵性质为主题。
劇透 -  原文:
Ghiasi's theater, Twined Stories, is one of Yled's most exclusive playhouses. The following magic items are themed around life—and death—on stage, and the peculiar ghostly nature of Twined Stories.

谢幕斗篷CURTAIN CALL CLOAK                   物品 12

罕见 塑能系 绑定 魔法
价格 1,900gp
用法 穿戴 披风;负载 L

启动 [AA]交互;频率 每日一次;效果 你展开双臂鞠躬,然后斗篷以你所在空间的一角为中心施放4环黑暗术Darkness。这种黑暗不会影响你的视线。当这种黑暗存在时,它会发出如同中等规模人群鼓掌般的声音。

幻影舞衣PHANTOM SHROUD                     物品 17

罕见 咒法系 绑定 魔法
价格 15,000gp
用法 穿戴 披风;负载 L

启动 [AA]交互;频率 每日一次;效果 你用披风裹住自己,它向你施放幻化灵体Ethereal Jaunt。你能够维持效果至多10分钟。当效果结束后,你返回物质位面。

灵体歌剧眼镜SPECTRAL OPERA GLASSES               物品 11

罕见 预言系 魔法
价格 1,400gp
用法 持握 单手;负载 L

启动 [AA]交互;频率 每日一次;效果 在一个小时内,任何人都可以透过眼镜看到隐形的生物和物体,具有魂魄spirit特征的生物在眼镜中表现为实体(而非灵体)。

辉煌泛光灯SPLENDID FLOODLIGHT               物品 12

罕见 幻术系 魔法
价格 1,600gp
用法 持握 双手;负载 3

启动 [A]交互;频率 每小时一次;需求 辉煌泛光灯处于关闭;效果 你拨动开关,辉煌泛光灯向120尺锥形范围投射明亮的魔法光亮,这种光亮会悬浮在空中,即使移动泛光灯也依然存在。如果锥形穿过了魔法黑暗区域或以受魔法黑暗影响的生物为目标,辉煌泛光灯会试图反制黑暗。锥形区域内的惊惧生物会在它们的每个回合开始时,减少1点惊惧值。光亮一直存在,直到你再次互动Interact拨动开关,关闭泛光灯。如果一个小时后你都没有关闭,开关就会自动拨动,关闭泛光灯。
启动 [AA]交互;需求 辉煌泛光灯处于开启;效果 你将一种胶片旋转到泛光灯的中心位置或从中心位置旋转出来。当光亮被制造出后,即使辉煌泛光灯已经一栋楼位置,你也可以这样做。你最多可以同时放置两种胶片;如果你放入了第三种,你需要选择替代掉一种。
红色胶片 光亮给所有照亮的生物增添了一种庄严的气氛。光亮中的生物在基于魅力的技能检定上获得+2物品加值。
黄色胶片 在光亮中,隐形的生物和物体变得可见,具有魂魄spirit特征的生物表现为实体而非灵体。
绿色胶片 光亮照亮的生物似乎都穿着时尚的衣物,梳着优雅的发型。
蓝色胶片 光亮中的不死生物看起来就像它们还活着时一样,光亮中的活物看起来就像不死生物一样腐烂了。

劇透 -  原文:
Price 1,900 gp
Usage worn cloak; Bulk L
This blue velvet cloak is cut from the remains of a curtain from a destroyed theater. When worn, you gain a +2 item bonus to Performance checks while acting, orating, or singing, as the cloak makes minor motions to accentuate your performance.
Activate [two-actions] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You take a bow, spread your arms, and the cloak casts 4th-level darkness centered on a corner of your space. This darkness doesn't impede your vision. While the darkness persists, it emits noise like the applauding of a moderately sized crowd.

Price 15,000 gp
Usage worn cloak; Bulk L
This pale blue cloak is wispy, thin, and cold to the touch. When worn, the cloak turns your hands pale and translucent, imbuing you with the dangerous touch of a ghost. This effect doesn't impede the normal use of your hands. You also gain an unarmed attack that deals 3d6 negative damage with the agile, finesse, and magical traits. You gain the benefits of a +2 weapon potency rune with these unarmed attacks (granting a +2 item bonus to your attack rolls).
Activate [two-actions] Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You fold the cloak around yourself, and it casts ethereal jaunt on you. You can Sustain the activation for up to 10 minutes. When the activation ends, you return to material form.

Price 1,400 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
These bulky opera glasses are attached to a rod for ease of use. When held up to the eyes, which requires a free hand, you can see up to four times further than normal, and the glasses provide you a +2 item bonus to Perception checks.
Activate [one-action] Interact, envision; Frequency once per day; Effect For 1 hour, anyone who looks through the glasses can see invisible creatures and objects, and sees creatures with the spirit trait as solid and substantial (rather than ghostly).

Price 1,600 gp
Usage held in 2 hands or mounted; Bulk 3
This drum-shaped metal floodlight has a metal handle on each side and a housing at its base to be slotted into a stand or pedestal. A splendid floodlight has a primary function as well as several secondary functions available by rotating through a series of translucent sheets called gels. A splendid floodlight comes with the four gels described below, but other gels exist with different abilities.
Activate [one-action] Interact; Frequency once per hour; Requirements The splendid floodlight's light is off; Effect You flip a switch and the splendid floodlight emits bright magical light in a 120-foot cone that hangs in the air and remains in place even if you move the floodlight. If the cone passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, the splendid floodlight attempts to counteract the darkness. Creatures in the cone who
are frightened reduce the value of their frightened condition by 1 at the beginning of each turn they start in the area of the cone. The light remains in place until you Interact to flip the switch
again to extinguish the floodlight. If you haven't done so after an hour, the switch flips on its own and the floodlight turns off.
Activate [two-actions] Interact; Requirements The splendid floodlight's light is on; Effect You rotate one of the following gels into position in the floodlight or rotate a gel out. You can do this even if the splendid floodlight has been moved from its position when the light was created. You can have up to two gels in place at once; if you rotate in a third, another of your choice rotates out.
Red Gel The light lends an air of gravitas to all creatures illuminated by it. Creatures in the light gain a +2 item bonus to Charisma-based skill checks.
Yellow Gel Invisible creatures and objects are visible while in the light, and creatures with the spirit trait appear substantial rather than ghostly.
Green Gel All creatures illuminated by the light appear to be wearing exceptionally stylish clothing with elegantly coiffed hair styles.
Blue Gel Undead creatures in the light appear as they did when alive, and living creatures in the light appear decayed, like an undead creature.
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-22, 周二 20:34:55 由 晨世宣融 »

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Re: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-11-22, 周二 09:34:50 »
暗影物品Shadow Items
劇透 -  原文:
The characters explore many shadows in Yled, and the following new magic items are themed around shadows and the dangers that lurk within them.

影之心SHADOW'S HEART               物品 18

稀有 幻术系 魔法
价格 23,000gp
用法 持握 单手;负载 L

启动 [AA]交互(幻术系,传送);频率 每日一次;效果 你用影之心进行一次近战打击,并传送到一处100尺内你能看到的空地。如果攻击命中,你在原地留下一个模糊虚幻的复制体,并且他会在至多3轮内攻击相同的目标。幻象每轮有1个动作,在他被创造的回合和每轮中你的回合内可以使用。他会使用这个动作,移动至多30尺到与目标相邻的一格,并且(如果和目标相邻)以+28的攻击调整值攻击目标,造成3d6+16的挥砍伤害。幻象的AC为35,会被任何造成伤害或需要豁免的攻击立即摧毁。

昂布莱克斯的眼眸UMBRAEX EYE               物品 19

稀有 预言系 绑定 魔法
价格 34,000gp
用法 持握 双手;负载 1

正如其身体其他部分一样,传说中昂布莱克斯·达尔瓦卡umbraex darvakka(p83)的眼眸也会在它被摧毁时化为灰烬。但在很罕见的情况下,当昂布莱克斯想要传递出超出其灰烬重构所能传达的信息时,它会在其毁灭时刻弹出一只眼球。巨大的眼球硬化,变得如黑曜石般,其内部深处,有着迷人的黑暗斑点构成漩涡。当你持握昂布莱克斯的眼眸时,你获得120尺生命感知(模糊)(PF Bestiary p343)。
启动 1分钟(命令,交互);频率 每小时一次;效果 说出一个人、事件或地点,昂布莱克斯的眼眸会显示出其本体曾经目睹的相关记忆,持续1分钟。这些事件在眼眸中表现为伴有声音的清晰图像。如果这只昂布莱克斯没有相关记忆,眼眸中只会呈现闪烁的幽影。

劇透 -  原文:
Price 23,000 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This +3 greater striking kukri has a thin, delicate blade that absorbs light.
Activate[two-actions] Interact (illusion, teleportation); Frequency once per day; Effect You make a melee Strike with shadow's heart and teleport to an open space you can see within 100 feet. If the attack hits, you also leave behind a shadowy, illusory duplicate of yourself that attacks the same target for up to 3 rounds. The illusion has 1 action per round, which it takes on the turn it's created and on your turn each round. It uses this action to move up to 30 feet to a square adjacent to the target and (if the target is adjacent) to attack the target with a +28 attack modifier, dealing 3d6+16 slashing damage. The illusion has an AC of 35 and is immediately destroyed by any attack that deals damage or requires a saving throw.

Price 34,000 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
Like the rest of its form, the eyes of the legendary umbraex darvakka (page 83) collapse into ashes when the creature is destroyed. Rarely, when the umbraex wishes to impart information beyond its ashen reconstitution, it ejects one of its eyes at the moment of destruction. This large orb hardens into an obsidian-like substance that swirls with captivated motes of darkness deep within. While you hold the umbraex eye, you have lifesense (imprecise) 120 feet (Pathfinder Bestiary 343).
Activate 1 minute (command, Interact); Frequency once per hour; Effect Name a person, event, or location and the umbraex eye shows 1 minute of relevant memory the umbraex witnessed firsthand. The events are displayed as clear images in the eye and accompanied by sound. If the umbraex has no relevant memories, the eye merely flickers with shadows.
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-23, 周三 10:14:42 由 晨世宣融 »

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Re: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-11-22, 周二 09:35:02 »
仪式和法术Rituals and Spells
劇透 -  原文:
These rituals and spells appear in this adventure or are thematically appropriate to the people and groups the characters are destined to meet.


罕见 咒法系 诅咒 厄运
根源 异能
施放 [AA]姿势,语言
射程 30尺; 目标 一个生物
豁免 意志;持续时间 可变

大成功 目标不受影响。
成功 直到你的下回合开始前,目标必须在尝试交涉、威吓、表演或隐匿检定时,骰两次并使用更差的结果。目标在任何技能检定中获得的大成功视为成功;目标在任何技能检定中获得的失败视为大失败。
失败 如同成功,但持续时间为1小时。
大失败 如同成功,但持续时间无限。

传染喜剧INFECTIOUS COMEDY                  法术5

罕见 情绪 惑控系 失能 心灵
根源 奥术,异能
施放 [AA]姿势,语言
射程 30尺; 目标 一个生物
豁免 意志;持续时间 维持至多1分钟

大成功 目标不受影响。
成功 目标开始咯咯笑,不能使用反应。
失败 目标缓慢1,且不能使用反应。
大失败 目标在1轮内倒地且不能使用动作或反应。然后他遭受失败效应。

分裂阴影SPLIT SHADOW                        仪式8

稀有 幻术系 阴影
施放时间 1日;开销 需要复制的生物所有的一项珍惜之物或一滴血液,加上一面价值7,000gp的华丽银镜;次要施法者 4
主要检定 奥法或神秘(大师,检定具有秘密特征);次要检定 手艺,欺骗,表演,社群
目标 1个活物

你将源自阴影位面Shadow Plane的能量直接注入镜子中,在其中创建出目标的阴影复制体,并将其塑造得足够精确、接近实体。仪式结束时,镜子破碎,复制体从中走出、步入现实。复制体是一个比目标低3级的生物,具有和目标相同的能力,但会降低到适宜这个等级(参见GMG p56的创建生物)。阴影复制体看起来与目标一模一样,具有相同的习惯和性格。然而,他只能模糊地感受目标的记忆。他的乔装 Impersonate成为目标的欺骗调整值等于进行欺骗或表演检定的次要施法者的调整值,并具有+4的状态加值。
大成功 你赋予了阴影复制体生命。他处于你的绝对控制之下。你获得了与阴影复制体的直接的心灵联系,无论多远,你都可以通过这个联系,花费一个动作来指挥他。
成功 如同大成功,但你和阴影复制体之间没有特殊联系。你必须使用语言或其他方式,花费一个动作来指挥他,
失败 仪式失败,没有任何效果。
大失败 当仪式结束时,镜子破碎,复制体出现,但具有精英高等幽影的数据,并具有目标所有的知识,其欺骗调整值与仪式成功时阴影复制体所具有的相同。

劇透 -  原文:
Traditions occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Will; Duration varies
You summon an invisible, insubstantial group of extraplanar musicians who follow the target and play distracting music to hinder its actions. The music the musicians play is as inappropriate to the action as possible (for example, loud drumbeats as the target tries to Sneak or silly children's songs when the target tries to orate in a serious manner). The musicians can't be reasoned with or harmed.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success Until the start of your next turn, the target must roll twice and use the worse result when it attempts a Diplomacy, Intimidation, Performance, or Stealth check. When the target rolls a critical success on any skill check, it gets a success instead. When the target rolls a failure on any skill check, it gets a critical failure instead.
Failure As success, but the duration is 1 hour.
Critical Failure As success, but the duration is unlimited.

Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Will; Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You tell a magical joke and infect a target with laughter that spreads to those nearby. The first time you Sustain the Spell each round, you can target another creature you can see that is within 30 feet of an affected target. The new target need not be able to see or hear the affected target, as the humor spreads magically. You can't target the same creature more than once with this spell.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target begins giggling and can't use reactions.
Failure The target is slowed 1 and can't use reactions.
Critical Failure The target falls prone and can't use actions or reactions for 1 round. It then suffers the failure effect.

Cast 1 day; Cost a precious possession or drop of blood from the creature to be duplicated, plus an ornate silver mirror worth 7,000 gp; Secondary Casters 4
Primary Check Arcana or Occultism (master, the check has the secret trait); Secondary Checks Crafting, Deception, Performance, Society
Targets 1 living creature
You create a shadow double of the target by drawing energy directly from the Shadow Plane into a mirror and shaping it into an exact, quasi-real duplicate. When the mirror is shattered at the end of the ritual, the double steps out and comes into existence. The duplicate is a creature 3 levels lower than the target, with the same abilities as the target but reduced to the appropriate level (see Building Creatures on page 56 in the Gamemastery Guide). The shadow double looks identical to the target and has the same general mannerisms and personality. However, it only has a vague sense of the target's memories. It has a Deception modifier to Impersonate the target equal to the modifier of the secondary spellcaster who rolled the Deception or Performance check, with a +4 status bonus.
Critical Success You bring the shadow double to life. It is under your absolute control. You gain a direct mental link with the shadow double and can spend an action to command it via this link, even at a distance.
Success As a critical success, but there is no special link between you and the shadow double. You must spend an action to command it verbally or by some other means.
Failure The ritual fails and has no effect.
Critical Failure When the mirror is broken at the end of the ritual, the double appears but has the statistics of an elite greater shadow with all the knowledge of the target and the same Deception modifier a shadow double would have had if the ritual had succeeded.
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-24, 周四 14:54:29 由 璀璨星炬 »

离线 晨世宣融

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Re: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-11-22, 周二 09:37:04 »
灰烬秘示域Ashes Mystery
秘示域增益Mystery Benefit 在受到物理威胁时,你的血肉仿佛一团火山灰一样流动。 你获得对所有物理伤害、等于你等级一半(至少1点)的抗力,并且对抗擒抱Grapple、推撞Shove和强制移动的豁免和DC获得+2环境加值。
受训技能 神秘
授予戏法 燃火术produce flame
启示法术 初始:灰烬之风ashen wind;进阶:燃火灰烬incendiary ashes;高等:灰烬形态ash form
关联领域 毁灭destruction,火fire
劇透 -  原文:
You see all things in the world as little more than fleeting and temporary, waiting to be purified into their base essence: the ash left behind after a burning fire. While you understand fire is a necessary part of this process, you see fire mostly as a tool to achieve final purity, not a goal. You have much in common with oracles with the flames mystery, but you may consider them to be short-sighted, or at best simply lacking in understanding of the truths that their burning fires impart.
You might see ash as the only true representation of the impermanent nature of life and its pointless existence. Alternatively, you may see the benefit ash can have on soils and farmlands as part of a larger cycle of death and rebirth. Perhaps you see the phoenix, with its life cycle of being reduced to ash and reborn, as a sacred creature that has achieved a higher state of being and worthy of imitation (or maybe you see it as a tragic creature that can't ever reach the goal of perfection). If you follow a deity, you might follow gods of fire like Sarenrae, those who burn impurities to ash such as Brigh or Torag, or those who strive to burn all things to ash, such as the archdevil Moloch or the demon lord Flauros.
Mystery Benefit Your flesh flows around physical threats like a cloud of ash. You gain resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1) against all physical damage and you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saves and DCs against Grapple, Shove, and forced movement.
Trained Skill Occultism
Granted Cantrip produce flame
Revelation Spells initial: ashen wind; advanced: incendiary ashes; greater: ash form
Related Domains destruction, fire

低阶诅咒 你体内燃烧的能量熔炉开始焚烧你的躯体并生成灰烬,你的呼吸会吸入灰烬,你的步伐会被落下的灰烬所阻碍。你在基于体质的检定,如强韧豁免上获得-1减值;你的速度减少10尺。
中阶诅咒 你产生的灰烬剧烈增多并填满了你周围的区域,这模糊了视野并使地面难以通过。你目眩dazzled。你产生10尺弥漫的灰烬灵光。你和灵光中的生物都获得隐蔽concealed。如果你一整轮没有移动,大量的灰烬会在灵光范围内沉积,形成困难地形,直到你移动为止(此时灰烬会被吹散)。
高阶诅咒(11) 你和附近的生物在最轻微的火焰下也会化为灰烬。在你的中阶诅咒灵光内,你和其中的生物获得相当于你一半等级的火焰弱点。如果你以外的生物在灵光内被火焰伤害杀死,其躯体会化为灰烬。位于你灵光内的物体和建筑的硬度Hardness减半,且当它们的任何部分的HP降低到0就会化为灰烬。
劇透 -  原文:
Your body is slowly being consumed by the fires of your internal power, purifying you with each passing day. You are occasionally wracked with dry, wheezing coughs, and wherever you go you leave behind a fine trace of ash that falls from your body.
Minor Curse The smoldering furnace of power within you begins to feed on your body and generate ash, which you inhale with every breath and leave behind with every step, impeding your footing. You take a -1 penalty on Constitution-based checks, such as Fortitude saves, and your Speed is reduced by 10 feet.
Moderate Curse The ash you produce intensifies and fills the area around you, obscuring details and making the ground challenging to navigate. You are dazzled. An aura of ash surrounds you in a 10-foot emanation. You and creatures in the aura are concealed. If you do not move for 1 round, heaps of ashes settle in the aura, creating difficult terrain that lasts until you move (when the ashes blow away).
Major Curse (11th) You and nearby creatures collapse into ash with the slightest flame. Within your moderate curse's aura, you and all creatures gain weakness to fire equal to half your level. If a creature other than you in this aura is killed by fire damage, its body collapses into ash. Objects and structures in your aura halve their Hardness, and any parts of the object or structures in your aura that are reduced to 0 Hit Points collapse into ash.

灰烬形态ASH FORM                   聚能6

罕见 咒缚 先知 变化系
秘示域 灰烬
施放 [AA]姿势,语言
持续时间 1分钟

你转变为了细微灰烬颗粒组成的云。你获得快速愈合3、对穿刺和挥砍伤害的抗力10并且免疫出血、坠落伤害、和精准伤害。你不能在穿过实心物体,但你可以穿过微小的缝隙,就好像它们是困难地形。任何具有气air特征的能力,包括吹出强风或改变风势(如造风术Gust of Wind),只要你在范围内,都会在它的正常效果外,对你每轮造成每法术环级1d6的钝击伤害。

升阶(9环) 抗力提升到15。
劇透 -  原文:
Mystery ashes
Cast[two-actions] somatic, verbal
Duration 1 minute
You take the form of a cloud of minuscule ash particles. You gain fast healing 3, resistance 10 to piercing and slashing damage, and immunity to bleed, falling damage, and precision damage. You can't move through solid objects, but you can stream through tiny gaps as if they were difficult terrain. Any ability with the air trait that involves blowing or shifting wind (such as gust of wind) deals you 1d6 bludgeoning damage per level of the spell each round you are in its area, in addition to its normal effects.
Heightened (9th) The resistance increases to 15.

灰烬之风ASHEN WIND                   聚能1

罕见 咒法系 咒缚 先知
秘示域 灰烬
施放 [AA]姿势,语言
射程 120尺;区域 10尺爆发
豁免 强韧

成功 该生物不受影响。
失败 该生物恶心1。
大失败 该生物恶心2。
劇透 -  原文:
Mystery ashes
Cast[two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 120 feet; Area 10-foot burst
Saving Throw Fortitude
You conjure a swirling wind of ashes that blows through the area. Each creature in the area must attempt a Fortitude save or get the cloying ash in its lungs.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is sickened 1.
Critical Failure The creature is sickened 2.

燃火灰烬INCENDIARY ASHES                   聚能3

罕见 咒缚 塑能系 火 先知
秘示域 灰烬
施放 [AA]姿势,语言
射程 120尺;区域 20尺爆发
豁免 强韧

大成功 该生物不受影响。
成功 该生物受到一半伤害,并且直到它的下回合开始,获得对火焰的弱点3。
失败 该生物受到完整伤害,并且获得对火焰的弱点3,持续1分钟。如果在这期间,该生物被火焰杀死,它会化为灰烬,但它的装备会留存。
大失败 如失败,除了该生物受到双倍伤害。
升阶(+1) 挥砍伤害提升2d6,火焰弱点提升1。
劇透 -  原文:
Mystery ashes
Cast[two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range 120 feet; Area 20-foot burst
Saving Throw Fortitude
A cloud of magical ashes descends upon creatures in the area. The ashes scour flesh and linger in the wounds, igniting upon the slightest flicker of flame. Creatures in the area take 4d6 slashing damage and must attempt a Fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage and has weakness to fire 3 until the start of its next turn.
Failure The creature takes full damage and has weakness to fire 3 for 1 minute. If the creature is killed by fire during this time it's reduced to ashes, though its gear remains.
Critical Failure As failure, except the creature takes double damage.
Heightened (+1) The slashing damage increases by 2d6 and weakness to fire increases by 1.
« 上次编辑: 2022-12-17, 周六 22:14:16 由 晨世宣融 »

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Re: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱
« 回帖 #6 于: 2022-11-22, 周二 10:23:11 »

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Re: 【BL】《鲜血领主》5/6《舐尘寻踪》冒险工具箱
« 回帖 #7 于: 2022-11-25, 周五 19:37:18 »



Heightened (+1) The slashing damage increases by 2d6 and weakness to fire increases by 1.