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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #290 于: 2017-10-11, 周三 06:30:37 »
少女战盔(Maiden's Helm)
出处冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)第87页
位置:头部 CL:6th 重量:3磅

« 上次编辑: 2017-10-11, 周三 06:32:49 由 犬良人 »

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« 回帖 #291 于: 2017-10-12, 周四 00:37:03 »
矮人種族替換能力 出自《皇庭英豪(Heroes of the High Court)》

保守交涉(Conservative Diplomacy):一個矮人可以採用有跡可循的傳統方式來避免社交上的失策。擁有此種族特性的矮人可以在進行一次交涉檢定時採取保守的策略。此矮人如果在這一次交涉檢定中骰出5以下可以視為她骰出了5點,但是骰出15以上也會視為她骰出了15。該種族特性取代岩石敏銳。

劇透 -  原文:
A dwarf can embrace predictable traditions to avoid social missteps. A dwarf with this racial trait can rely upon conservative tactics when attempting a Diplomacy check; this choice must be made before the Diplomacy check is attempted. The dwarf treats any roll of less than 5 on such a Diplomacy check as though she had rolled a 5, but she treats any roll higher than 15 on such a check as though she rolled a 15. This racial trait replaces stonecunning.

矮人種族替換能力 出自《市井英雄(Heroes of the Streets)》

勤勞的城市人(Industrious Urbanite):適應所居住城市需求的矮人能夠在製造非魔法物品的工藝檢定中有雙倍的進展,並且能夠在使用專業檢定獲取金錢的時候獲得+4加值。該種族特性取代仇恨。

劇透 -  原文:
Dwarves who have adapted to the expectations of their host cities make double the normal progress on Craft checks to create nonmagical items and gain a +4 bonus on Profession checks to earn money. This racial trait replaces hatred.

线上 炼金术士卡莉

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« 回帖 #292 于: 2017-10-21, 周六 00:28:48 »

假面少女(Masked Maiden)(侠客职业变体)出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》82页

随着艾莲莎(Ileosa)的死亡,一些幸存的灰色少女(Gray Maidens)试图重返他们旧日的生活——但这却是个因她们在启蒙(indoctrination)中所承受的肉体和精神上的伤痕而难以实现的目标。有些时候,她们似乎能够抑制启蒙所带来的影响。然而,那些被抑制的姿态仍会如约显现,迫使这些昔日的征召兵穿上她们的铠甲去寻求战斗。这些被称作假面少女的人们意识到自己过着双重生活:在白天,她们是普通(尽管身处麻烦之中)的市民,而在晚上则是无名的战士。在最悲惨的情况下,伴随着这些少女在醒来时所经历的难以解释的疲惫感和满身的伤痕,她们的身份被完全地割裂开来了。


瑕疵控制(Imperfect Control,Ex):一个假面少女坚决抗拒进入她过去的身份,但是某些触发条件(比如暴力)会让她做出让步。每天开始时,假面少女总是处于社交身份之中。如果想要自愿的变为侠客身份,假面少女必须成功通过一个意志检定(DC=10+1/2她的侠客等级);如果她失败了,她会战栗1分钟并且不能在这段时间再次做出这个尝试。
当她处于侠客身份的时候,假面少女在魅力相关的能力和技能检定(除了威吓)上获得-2减值并且无法从士气加值或者吟游表演(bardic performances)中获益。
这个能力取代了双重身份(Dual Identity)。

过往伤痕(Scars of the Past,Ex):假面少女必须选择复仇骑士侠客之道。在1级时,假面少女免费获得一套灰色少女铠甲。这套盔甲是破旧的,其他生物始终不视作擅长它。这套盔甲只能作为废品出售4d6Gp,但是这套盔甲对于假面少女来说可以如同正常的一般使用。假面少女可以花费150Gp和1天的工作来把她的破旧盔甲升级为精制品(但是它依旧被认为是破旧的)。
这个能力取代了无痕伪装(Seamless Guise)。

盔甲训练(Armor Training,Ex):所有灰色少女都曾经练习过如何使用她们的盔甲,而作为一个在昔日接受过的启蒙中挣扎的假面少女,这些训练技巧仍然缓慢地从她的潜意识中浮现出来。
这个能力取代了在3,7,11,15,19级获得的社交天赋(Social Talent)。

劇透 -  原文:
In the wake of Ileosa’s death, some of the surviving Gray Maidens attempted to return to their former lives—a task made difficult by the physical and emotional scars of their indoctrination. For a few, suppressing the indoctrination’s effects seemed to work. In time, though, the repressed aspects returned, pushing these former conscripts to don their armor and seek out conflict. These so-called masked maidens find themselves leading a double life: ordinary (albeit troubled) citizen by day, faceless warrior by night. In the most tragic cases, the identities entirely disassociate, with the maiden experiencing unexplained exhaustion and injuries upon awakening.
While their social identities cover a wide range of personality types, in their vigilante identities, masked maidens are usually icy and dispassionate. These identities are rarely good-aligned, and are more often merciless bringers of justice than gentle redeemers. Some masked maidens continue enforcing the queen’s cruel agenda, while others fight crime or pursue personal vendettas. A masked maiden always uses the iconic Gray Maiden helm when in her vigilante identity, as these helms serve excellently at both hiding the vigilante’s identity while simultaneously evoking the significant social gravitas associated with the Gray Maidens. Often, the masked maiden wears signature garb, such as a helm with a distinctively colored plume or a scarlike etching on the helm’s face, or perhaps a unique cloak. Although the masked maiden hides behind the armor and is pursuing her goals, she wants to be able to be identified as a specific individual.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All masked maiden vigilantes are proficient with Gray Maiden plate armor (see page 84), but not with any other forms of heavy armor.
This alters the vigilante’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Imperfect Control (Ex): A masked maiden compulsively resists entering her indoctrinated state, but certain triggers (such as violence) can cause her to lapse. The masked maiden always starts the day in her social identity. To begin willingly changing to her vigilante identity, the masked maiden must succeed at a Will save(DC = 10 + half her vigilante level); if she fails, she becomes shaken for 1 minute and cannot try again during that time. While in her social identity, when the masked maiden is exposed to mortal peril (such as when combat starts), she must succeed at a Will save at the same DC or be compelled to enter her vigilante identity as soon as she can get out of sight to do so. The masked maiden cannot choose to fail this Will save. In addition, if the masked maiden hasn’t entered her vigilante identity for a week or longer, she must attempt this Will save at the start of each day; on a failure, she is compelled to change into her vigilante identity immediately (or as soon as she can slip out of sight to do so).
A masked maiden can don Gray Maiden plate in 1 minute without aid, and can do so as part of switching to her vigilante identity. If the maiden reduces the time it takes to change identities (such as with the quick change social talent), she
can still don her armor as part of changing to her vigilante identity. A masked maiden who changes to her vigilante identity unwillingly can’t choose to switch from her vigilante identity back to her social identity that day.
While in her vigilante identity, the masked maiden takes a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based ability and skill checks (except for Intimidate) and can’t benefit from morale bonuses or bardic performances.

This ability alters dual identity.

Scars of the Past (Ex): A masked maiden must choose avenger as her vigilante specialization.
A 1st-level masked maiden gains a set of Gray Maiden plate at no cost. This armor is battered, and other creatures are never considered proficient with it. This armor can be sold only as scrap for 4d6 gp, but for the masked maiden the armor
functions normally. The masked maiden can spend 150 gp and 1 day of work to improve her battered armor to masterwork quality (although it is still considered battered).

This ability replaces seamless guise.

Armor Training (Ex)
: All Gray Maidens were drilled in the use of their armor, and as a masked maiden continues to lapse in and out of indoctrination, that training emerges slowly from her subconscious. At 3rd level, a masked maiden gains the fighter’s armor training class feature, and at 19th level she gains armor mastery. She treats her vigilante level as her fighter level for the purposes of both.

This replaces the vigilante’s social talents gained at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels.
« 上次编辑: 2017-10-21, 周六 12:30:55 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #293 于: 2017-10-21, 周六 07:14:21 »
灵巧少女(战斗)(Agile Maiden) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

尖牙王冠的屠戮(Fanged Crown Massacre) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

灰色少女新兵(Gray Maiden Initiate) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)
伤痕累累:你的脸部在灰色少女新兵时期被严重毁容,这催眠了你的美貌。你在交涉和易容检定上获得-1减值。但在威吓检定上和对抗痛苦效果(PF RPG UM 138)的豁免检定上获得+2加值。


猩红玫瑰的奉献(Scarlet Rose Devotion) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

姊妹情深流(Sisterhood Style)(战斗,流派) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

姊妹情深城墙(Sisterhood Style)(战斗) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

姊妹情深奉献(Sisterhood Dedication)(战斗) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)

坚不可摧(Unbreakable )(战斗) 出自冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)
« 上次编辑: 2017-10-21, 周六 08:04:23 由 星云迷蒙 »

线上 炼金术士卡莉

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« 回帖 #294 于: 2017-10-21, 周六 12:22:55 »
武装姊妹(SISTER-IN-ARMS)(骑将变体)出自《冒险者指南(Adventurer's Guide)》83页



武装姊妹几乎不会对艾莲莎女皇的政策保持中立;其中的一些仍然贯彻着残暴女皇的意志并领导着一批有类似想法的退伍士兵,而另一些则抛弃了艾莲莎并将自己全身心地奉献给幸存者同伴们。无论后者中的武装姊妹是致力于为恢复中的姊妹们提供社会和情感上的支持,或者是担任军事行动的指挥官,又或者是成为了与骑士团相关的个人冒险者,她们中的大多数都支持绯红玫瑰(the Scarlet Rose)。而那些保皇派(Loyalist)的武装姊妹则恰恰相反,她们几乎总是密谋着夺回科瓦萨的计划。

无意挑战(Halfhearted Challenge,Ex):武装姊妹警觉地保护着她们的盟友,弱化了她们专注于向敌人挑战的能力。一名武装姊妹只能将她骑将等级的一半(至少为1)添加到对抗她挑战目标的伤害骰上。

少女之约(Maiden’s Order,Ex):所有武装姊妹都拥有着援助和鼓舞跟随着她们的灰色少女的天赋,这天赋更是被受过的训练和姐妹之间的紧密情谊所强化。通常来说,那些忠于艾露莎女皇所给予她们的誓言的武装姊妹们被称为尖牙王冠骑士团(the order of the fanged crown,),而那些已经抛弃了残酷女皇的武装姊妹们被称为绯红玫瑰骑士团(the order of the scarlet rose)。无论是哪种情况,她们得到的好处都是相同的。
一名武装姊妹不能选择骑士团。作为代替,她被视作同时属于巨龙骑士团(the order of the dragon)和雄狮骑士团(the order of the lion),并且她在对应等级获得这两个骑士团的所有好处(包括额外本职技能,有限的技能加值,额外的挑战增益和骑士团能力)。1级时,武装姊妹必须选择她所遵循的骑士团守则(order’s edicts);通常来说,尖牙王冠的武装姊妹会选择雄狮骑士团的守则,而绯红玫瑰的武装姊妹会选择巨龙骑士团的守则。

献身防卫者(Devoted Defender,Ex):武装姊妹紧靠在那些亲如家人的灰色少女同伴们身边,依靠强烈的奉献精神保护她们。3级时,武装姊妹获得保镖(Bodyguard)APG作为奖励专长(她不需要满足专长的先决条件)。
这个能力替换了骑将冲锋(cavalier’s charge)。

忠贞少女(Maiden’s Loyalty,Ex):武装姊妹的忠诚是不容置疑的。4级时,武装姊妹在对抗那些强迫她攻击或背叛盟友的效果的意志豁免上获得+2加值。这个加值在4级之每4级提升1点.
这个能力替换了驯兽专家(Expert Trainer)。

专注指挥者(Dedicated Commander,Ex):武装姊妹能够高效地鼓舞和指挥她的盟友。11级时,武装姊妹能够以移动动作使用狮之呼唤(Lion's Call)战场策略(Strategy)骑士团能力,而不是原本的标准动作。20级时,她能够以迅捷动作或移动动作使用狮之呼唤(Lion's Call)或战场策略(Strategy)骑士团能力。
这个能力替换了强力冲锋(Mighty Charge)和至高冲锋(Supreme Charge)。

劇透 -  原文:
Some of the most charismatic Gray Maidens combine their devotion to their sisters with the intense tactical training they received, learning to perfectly direct their companions and inspiring them to survive and emerge victorious. Known as sisters-in-arms, these scarred soldiers are highly respected by their fellow Maidens for their dedication.
In the aftermath of Ileosa’s fall, groups of Maidens forged a tight-knit family from their fellow survivors, knowing that nobody else truly understood the horrors they had endured—or had been forced to commit. Even after being accepted back into Korvosan society or fleeing the reach of the city’s justice, the Gray Maidens’ sisterhood has endured.
Sisters-in-arms are almost never neutral on the subject of Queen Ileosa; some still hold true to the cruel queen’s ideals and lead bands of like-minded veterans, while others have forsaken Ileosa in favor of total devotion to their fellow survivors. Of the latter, the majority support the Scarlet Rose, whether as social and emotional support for their recovering sisters, as field commanders for military endeavors, or as private adventurers with ties to the order. Loyalist sisters-in-arms, by contrast, are almost always plotting to reclaim Korvosa.

Halfhearted Challenge (Ex): Sisters-in-arms vigilantly protect their allies, weakening their focus on their challenged foe. A sister-in-arms adds only half her cavalier level (minimum 1) to damage rolls against her challenge target.

This ability alters challenge.

Maiden’s Order (Ex): All sisters-in-arms share a talent for aiding and inspiring their fellow Gray Maidens, strengthened by training and the bond of sisterhood. Generally, those loyal to Queen Ileosa refer to their pledge as the order of the fanged crown, while those who have forsaken the cruel queen call it the order of the scarlet rose. In either case, the benefits are the same.
A sister-in-arms does not choose an order. Instead, she is considered to belong to both the order of the dragon and the order of the lion, and she gains all of the benefits of both orders (including additional class skills and conditional skill bonuses, additional challenge benefits, and order abilities) at the appropriate levels. At 1st level, a sister-in-arms chooses which order’s edicts she must follow; generally, those of the fanged crown choose the order of the lion’s edicts, while those of the scarlet rose choose the order of the dragon’s edicts.

This ability alters order and replaces mount.

Devoted Defender (Ex): Sisters-in-arms cling to their fellow Gray Maidens as closely as family and protect them with intense devotion. At 3rd level, a sister-in-arms gains Bodyguard (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 151) as a bonus feat (she does not need to meet the feat’s prerequisite).

This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Maiden’s Loyalty (Ex)
: The loyalty of a sister-in-arms is absolute. At 4th level, a sister-in-arms gains a +2 bonus on Will saves against any effect that would compel her to attack or betray her allies. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4
levels beyond 4th.

This ability replaces expert trainer.

Dedicated Commander (Ex): A sister-in-arms can inspire and direct allies with great efficiency. At 11th level, the sister-in-arms can use lion’s call or strategy order as a move action, rather than as a standard action. At 20th level, she can use act as one, lion’s call, or strategy order as a swift or move action.

This ability replaces mighty charge and supreme charge.
« 上次编辑: 2017-10-21, 周六 18:08:49 由 炼金术士卡莉 »

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Re: 背景+专长
« 回帖 #295 于: 2017-11-03, 周五 09:42:53 »

精明劝诱/独到见解(Persuasive Insight)【SH】(出自极限诡道第六页)
因为某种你所皈依的信仰,契约精神,或励志人物,教会了你如何使用敏锐的洞察力和人进行谈判。现在,你可以用感知调整值取代魅力调整值加在Influence系统中ask favors或gain influence时的交涉检定上。此外,在一场舌战(UI176页)中,当使用关联交涉技能或基于感知技能的辩才时,可以用感知调整值来代替魅力调整值。

劇透 -  原文:
Persuasive Insight

Source Spymaster's Handbook pg. 6
You were converted to your faith or taught to bargain with spirits for magic by a figure of inspiring insight who taught you to use keen observation in all dealings. You can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to ask favors or gain influence (Ultimate Intrigue 102). During a verbal duel (Ultimate Intrigue 176), you can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier when using tactics you assigned to Diplomacy or Wisdom-based skills.

« 上次编辑: 2017-11-05, 周日 15:27:36 由 梦子 »
213605-2 Holistacia 【商凰】赫里斯塔夏.银松
213605-3 Star Flower 星之花
213605-4 Galanodel·YL 嘉兰诺德·银翎
213605-5 hui
213605-7 Hololo 火洛洛.斯卡雷特
213605-8 Age.Lannide 【封疆领主】艾歌·索杜亚·兰妮德
213605-9 blaker 黑猫
213605-10 Alm Nord.Chaldean 阿玛诺德.占星者
213605-11 Phosphophyllite 法斯法菲莱特
213605-12 Ronoa.San.Christine 【侠盗】罗诺亚.圣.克里斯丁
213605-13 CeleMei 告死鸦.凯莱玫
213605-14 Secondas.Alison 朔月.阿利森

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« 回帖 #296 于: 2017-11-04, 周六 12:15:49 »
Faiths and Philosophies这本书好像有不少有趣的背景,这里先陋翻几条

信仰危机 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第0页

劇透 -   :
Crisis of Faith

You were raised to uphold a specific set of tenets, and you never had reason to doubt their veracity. Recent events, however, have undermined that certainty, and you now find yourself wondering if any of the universal truths you once believed in can actually hold up to scrutiny. Perhaps you witnessed a mentor or church official fall from grace or violate your shared tenets. Maybe you watched a friend injured terribly despite (or because of ) her pure faith. Whatever the case, your shaken confidence grants you a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against illusions. You may replace any other faith trait with the Crisis of Faith trait whenever you gain a level. This replacement is permanent until you receive atonement.

拒信者 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第0页

劇透 -   :
Divine Denier

You can’t bring yourself to accept the authority of the gods, even though friends might hound you relentlessly to change your ways. Perhaps you’re a Rahadoumi objecting on ideological grounds, or perhaps you just want to be left alone. Your doubt causes you to shrug off divine magic more quickly than others. Once per day when you are affected by a divine spell, you may reduce that spell’s duration to half (minimum 1 round) for you alone.

自然礼拜者 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第0页

劇透 -   :
Nature Worshiper

When you were young, you saw a dead creature’s body fertilize a field. Witnessing the connection between life and death moved you to recognize your own connection with the world, and ever since you have revered nature and feared death less. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against death effects and effects that use negative energy, such as energy drain and inflict spells.

自我实现 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第33页

劇透 -   :

Inspired by stories of mortals ascending to godhood, you’re certain that you can do the same, and do all you can to hone your talents and reach your utmost potential. Once per day, when you take 20 on a roll or check, you can complete the action in only five times the normal amount of time for that action, rather than 20 times the normal amount.

图腾师 出自信仰与哲学(Faiths and Philosophies)第33页

劇透 -   :

You grew up in a culture where the touch of totem spirits was felt in everyday life, their subtle urgings constantly guiding you and keeping you safe. As a result, you learned quickly to ask for their help when trouble arises. Once per day, you may call upon your totem’s wisdom as a standard action. You gain the benefits of guidance, except that the granted competence bonus is equal to half your character level (minimum +1). This is a supernatural ability.
« 上次编辑: 2017-11-04, 周六 12:32:56 由 amlys9708 »

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #297 于: 2017-11-07, 周二 21:36:08 »
元素纯净者(Elemental Purist) 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power

受限储念器(Limited Buffer)(su)

虚数元素(Elemental Impossibility)(su)(翻译成不可能总感觉怪怪的)

元素末日(Elemental Apocalypse)(su)

劇透 -   :
前置:增距(extended range)
« 上次编辑: 2017-12-06, 周三 18:40:16 由 NicoNicoNi~ »

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #298 于: 2017-11-07, 周二 23:32:32 »
元素纯净者(Elemental Purist) 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power

受限储念器(Limited Buffer)(su)

虚数元素(Elemental Impossibility)(su)(翻译成不可能总感觉怪怪的)

元素末日(Elemental Apocalypse)(su)
在20级的时候,一位元素纯净者学会了宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal ):em001性质注能(等级:9,超载:5,关联:任何元素,豁免检定:反射通过减半)并且每天可以使用1次。这个注能如同爆破注能一样作用,只不过元素纯净者可以指定1英里范围内的任何一个她能看见的地方作为中心,并且可以将爆炸半径设定为5尺-360尺。

劇透 -   :
前置:增距(extended range)

不看原文也知道【宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal )性质注能】是【apocalypse】【universal form infusion】。

离线 NicoNicoNi~

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #299 于: 2017-11-08, 周三 20:15:56 »
元素纯净者(Elemental Purist) 出自 Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power

受限储念器(Limited Buffer)(su)

虚数元素(Elemental Impossibility)(su)(翻译成不可能总感觉怪怪的)

元素末日(Elemental Apocalypse)(su)
在20级的时候,一位元素纯净者学会了宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal ):em001性质注能(等级:9,超载:5,关联:任何元素,豁免检定:反射通过减半)并且每天可以使用1次。这个注能如同爆破注能一样作用,只不过元素纯净者可以指定1英里范围内的任何一个她能看见的地方作为中心,并且可以将爆炸半径设定为5尺-360尺。

劇透 -   :
前置:增距(extended range)

不看原文也知道【宇宙毁灭 ( apocalypse universal )性质注能】是【apocalypse】【universal form infusion】。
