作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】使用属性 p. 152  (阅读 7826 次)

副标题: 主译:猪之哀伤;这一页果然很少东西啊....

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劇透 -   :
The Shadowrun skill system is designed to be broad in order to account for as many actions as possible. There may be occasions, though, where natural abilities are the closest matching proficiency to a given test. For example, if a dozen beast spirits were to suddenly materialize, claws probing the air for prey, there is not a skill to help you avoid soiling yourself. However, Charisma (strength of character) and Willpower (mental fortitude) are great for seeing if you maintain some sense of composure in the face of certain death.

劇透 -   :
The gamemaster decides when an attribute-only test is called for and what attributes to apply. Attribute-only tests pair two attributes together to form a dice pool, although there may be some situations where only one attribute applies. Here are a few attribute-only pairings built to suit situations where no skill suffices.

劇透 -   :
Some situations are tough to deal with, even for hardened professionals like shadowrunners. When a character is faced with an emotionally overwhelming situation there are only two choices. Stay and fight or turn into a quivering lump of goo. To find out which one happens, make a Willpower + Charisma Test, with a threshold based on the severity of the situation. Take note that repeating similar situations over and again eventually eliminates the need to perform this test. Staring down a group of well-armed gangers will be scary at first, but after a character does it a few times the fear gives way to instinct.

理解他人也是一项天分。一个角色可以用他们的直觉在猜测其他人的意图,以决定自己是否应该相信眼前的家伙。进行一个对抗检定,观察者的直觉+魅力 v. 目标的意志+魅力。察言观色这种事情并没有什么科学依据,成功的检定也不能保证目标不会欺骗你(意图也是可以变化的),狡猾的角色也能轻易得到别人的信任,所以,这个检定只是你判断是否相信对方的基准之一。
劇透 -   :
Reading another person is also a matter of instinct. A character can use their instincts to guess at the inten- tions of another person or to gauge how much they can trust someone. Make an Opposed Intuition + Charisma Test against the target’s Willpower + Charisma. This is not an exact science. A successful test doesn’t mean the target will never betray you (intentions have been known to change), and deceptive characters can gain another’s con dence easily. This primarily serves as a benchmark or gut instinct about how much you can trust the person you are dealing with.

负重上限和举重完全不同,角色可以无负担地携带的总重量为{力量×10}kg的物品。进行同样的检定,每个成功提高10kg的负重,具体规则见携带物品,p. 420。
劇透 -   :
The baseline for lifting weight is 15 kilograms per point of Strength. Anything more than that requires a Strength + Body Test. Each hit increases the max weight lifted by 15 kilograms. Lifting weight above your head, as with a clean & jerk, is more dif cult. The baseline for lifting weight above the head is 5 kilograms per point Strength. Each hit on the Lifting Test increases the maximum weight you can lift by 5 kilograms.
Carrying weight is significantly different than lifting weight. Characters can carry Strength x 10 kilograms in gear without effort. Additional weight requires a Lifting Test. Each hit increases the maximum by 10 kilograms. For more details on carrying gear, see Carrying Gear, p. 420

记忆力(逻辑+意志) MEMORY(LOG+WIL)
劇透 -   :
While there are numerous mnemonic devices, and even a few select pieces of bioware, designed for remembering information, memory is not a skill. If a character needs to recall information make a Logic + Willpower Test. Use the Knowledge Skill Table to determine the threshold. If a character actively tries to memorize information, make a Logic + Willpower Test at the time of memorization. Each hit adds a dice to the Recall Test later on.
Glitches can have a devastating effect on memory. A glitch means the character misremembers some portion of the information, such as order of numbers in a passcode. A critical glitch means the character has completely fooled himself into believing and thus remembering something that never actually happened.